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Losing weight isn't always easy, especially if you've struggled with your weight all your life. Ten tips to lose kilos anyway.

You hear it everywhere, being overweight is a major problem in all layers and ages of the population. Not only is it bad for your health, but it can also have a major impact on your self-confidence and choice of clothing. Everyone will have their reasons for wanting to lose a few pounds. Losing weight isn't always easy, especially if you've struggled with excess weight all your life.

Yoyo effect

A common problem is the yo-yo effect that comes to a head after years of trying different diets. These diets often give quick results in the short term, but a higher weight in the long term. Losing weight later in life is more difficult because the body has taught itself a certain "standard weight". This weight will often not match your target weight and therefore this target weight will be impossible to achieve. And that brings a lot of frustration. So these are important first tips:

Tip 1: Set realistic, short-term goals so that you can always take the next step.

Tip 2: Reward yourself every time a target is reached, this motivates and supports the weight loss process.

Tip 3: Tell others about losing weight, friends, family, acquaintances, and neighbors, so that they will not tempt you to and so that they can offer support in more difficult times.

Tip 4: Try to find a buddy to move with. Eating healthier is essential, but it goes hand in hand with exercise. An exercise buddy ensures that you cancel less quickly and also partly creates fun, making it easier to persevere.

Tip 5: Choose a sport that suits you well. If you don't like the gym, don't join it. Chances are you won't last. Exercise is also nice walking, swimming or cycling. A daily walk of half an hour to an hour can do wonders for your health and weight.

Healhty Food

Forget every diet you've ever done or read about and start eating healthy. Besides being good for your body and preventing ailments, you will feel more energetic and lose weight.

You can lose weight by eating normally and healthy. The most important thing here is to remember that you use more energy than you take in. A few important tips to start eating healthy:

Tip 1: Make small changes to your diet first. Stop drinking sugar in your tea or coffee and ban soft drinks from your fridge.

Tip 2: From now on, only eat whole wheat products. Think of brown bread, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice. In addition to a well-filled feeling, these also have positive effects on cardiovascular disease, cholesterol, and bowel movements.

Tip 3: Drink enough water. Water doesn't make you lose weight, but it does make you feel full. Moreover, your body does not always recognize the difference between appetite and thirst. So drink something first, sometimes your appetite disappears.

Tip 4: Eat two pieces of fruit a day as a snack. Prepare it in advance in the form of a salad or shake, so that you can easily reach for it when you get hungry.

Tip 5: Ensure regularity in your diet. Eat three main meals a day and a single snack if you feel like it. Please note that these snacks do not contain too many calories.