Post Covid - 19 : Changing Dynamics of Travel - 4 minutes read

With the horrendous incidence of Covid 19 intrusion the whole travel paradigm has changed. With the widespread occurrence of this malicious virus we are changing all aspects of our lives. The impact is furious not only the deaths that have occurred but the damage it has caused to the economy by virtually bringing our movement, our enterprises and our profession to a screeching halt. All aspects of our lives have come to a standstill and Governments are in a frenzy to get activities rolling back without endangering the populations. Travel and tourism have been badly hit including in India. Few holiday destination have been spared from this widespread distress and they too are reeling under the pressure of transport ban, closures and lock downs all across the globe. Ecotourism in India is the biggest sufferer with all tiger reserves and National Parks closed for this season. The future seems bleak with hesitation to reopen destination amidst the raging corona virus is obvious. Cornovirus is here stay for long as most of the scientific fraternity perceives. This means we will have to learn to live and still continue with travel and tourism activities. As the lock down rolls downhill and the World opens up a paradigm shift has to be in picture. No longer can we move around in holiday places with absolute freedom. The World can never remain locked down forever or the economy will come to a complete stand still and hunger and joblessness would be as vitiating as the virus itself. Hence a middle path will have to be found and it is already happening as the World begins to move. A new lifestyle will be in place and the behavioral code would change as well. Face mask, distancing, keeping away from strangers, restaurant etiquette, transportation norms all will change. There would be no hugs no embraces no kissing only a silent nod or Namaste! For resort vacation there would definitely be changes in accommodation norms and guest conduct on a stay. These would be applicable to the places of interest as well. All this will increase visitation time due to cautious approach at the places of interest. Tiger reserves will conduct safari under stringent norms keeping social distancing in mind. Many reserves will conduct screening or testing as a regular practice. This would be cumbersome but a necessity. The greatest fear in the reserves would be infection passing off to the big cats or other endangered animals. This of course would be a rare occurrence since jeeps do maintain a distance from the animals during the game ride in the park. Global airlines would be most restricted and perhaps they will not load to full capacity keeping social distancing in mind. The boarding time would increase with extensive screening and testing. The exit would also be tardy with new rules and regulations taking place. This would increase the cost travel and limit availability of seats. Overseas visitors would prefer to travel by air than by rail in India as the services would be restricted with lots of cumbersome rules and regulation. The idea of being holed up in a coach with a hundred passengers on an overnight journey does not sound very appealing anyway. Taxi rides would not be much of a bother as long as few people travel and the driver is tested regularly. Well all these will last till a cure or a vaccine arrives but this is not going to happen very soon. Hence if you are a travel enthusiast then embrace yourself for myriad of changes that will come into picture. All the rules and regulations would discourage many would be tourists, and the destinations would in want off business. Would the World of travel become better with less people participating? Would ecosystems improve? Will wild be less stressed? All this will become clear as time proceeds but certainly Covid-19 is not welcome.