HSV - Permanently Eliminate the Herpes Virus from Your Body - 6 minutes read

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If you suffer from the Herpes Simplex Virus then you may have been skeptical when you saw this article about erasing the virus permanently. Up until now, all you have heard was that there is no cure for herpes. Please keep an open mind and read on before you make any determination of the validity of this system.If you have herpes you have had to deal with the feeling of being humiliated about having sores on your face, nose, mouth or genitals. You have had to deal with the itching, burning and painful blisters. Possibly the worse is the fear that you could transmit this disease to someone else. Instead of having to deal with these issues, following the HSV Eraser program could actually end your battle with herpes. The program takes less than 3 weeks to complete. It works for both HSV-1 and HSV-2 and like over 25,000 men and women have already found out, this natural treatment can completely destroy every trace of the herpes virus.There are two types of herpes - HSV-1 and HSV -2. There are assumptions in society that the cause of cold sores comes from HSV-1, the "good" herpes virus and HSV-2 is the "bad" herpes virus since it is associated to genital herpes. Both types are transmitted through contact with the mucosal areas of the body (i.e. the mouth and the genitals) and then establish latency in the nervous system.

Approximately 65% of those infected with herpes have no symptoms or symptoms so mild that they don't even notice them. Even without noticeable symptoms, outbreaks can recur and the infection can be spread.As you are infected with herpes, the virus worms its way into your body and conceals itself. Some people don't have an initial outbreak and others don't have any symptoms at all. This makes HSV different than other infections because symptoms such as a fever are produced with other viruses which our immune system is able to recognize as infection and this aids our body in attempting to fight off the infection. In the case of HSV, the body isn't receiving any notification and as such isn't equipped to fight it off.Because the HSV virus is cloaked in the cells of your body by a protein called ICP47, current medications can't find the virus in order to fight it and so they merely suppress the virus.The HSV Eraser program shows you how to enable the body to uncloak ICP47 proteins from the infected cells of your body so that the herpes virus is no longer hidden from the immune system. By introducing a particular blend of organic chemical composites, the ICP47 proteins can be detached from the nerve cells. Now that the herpes virus is exposed, the immune system needs to be strong enough to fight the virus.

The program incorporates distinctive vitamins, minerals and supplements regiment that when taken at the right time and in the right quantity to give the immune system what it needs to fight off the herpes.In conclusion, this is a comprehensive program showing you everything you need to fight off the herpes virus. It's all natural, there are no side effects, you'll see results in less than a month, the cost is in-line with your weekly food budget and best of all every is available at your grocery or health food store.Natural Cures for Herpes:There are a couple different types of herpes, but the focus here is genital herpes. The root cause of Genital herpes virus is direct sexual contact of an infected person that transmits the virus. It is not necessary for the infected person to have a visible herpes lesion at the time of intercourse in order for the disease to be spread. Herpes is a wide-spread problem in the United States, with approximately 58 percent of the adult population carrying this virus. Many people don’t believe they have herpes, because they have only had one outbreak and that was only mild with one sore. Outbreaks will most definitely continue without treatment, and each outbreak can vary in severity. This is where a natural cure for herpes can be helpful.How is Herpes Transmitted?As mentioned earlier, herpes is spread through direct skin-to-skin contact. It is not an airborne virus, which means it cannot be spread through the air. One cannot be infected with herpes by sitting on a public toilet seat instead having sexual relations with an individual, it is possible to contract herpes during contact. This is true, even if a man is wearing a condom. Unless herpes outbreaks are only on the inner lining of the vagina or on the shaft of the penis, all of the skin that is exposed is still able to give or get herpes. It is estimated that about 75 percent of the adult population is at risk for developing genital herpes during sexual intercourse.

As the herpes virus affects the immune system, one natural cure for herpes is aimed at boosting the immune system. This product, called immunity plus, has not been evaluated by the FDA, but is said to contain all-natural ingredients that help to give a person energy when he or she is feeling run down, boost the immune system and prevent premature degeneration of blood cells.Home Remedies from Patients While there are many websites that boast a natural cure for herpes, actual people who have herpes have their own cures. Most of the times, these natural cures for herpes are some ways to make an outbreak less intense. Most of the patients recommend using bleach on a q-tip and rub it on the affected area for several minutes, until the wound begins to bleed. Allow the bleach to stay on the wound for several minutes and then rinse off. This method may be effective, but it is possible to get too much bleach in your body, which will make you sick. Other patients take high doses of L-lysine each day. While there are sites that claim they have a natural cure for herpes, the fact remains that nothing has been proven to kill the virus that remains latent in the cells of the body.