Pregnancy and Weight Gain: Weight Management During Pregnancy - 4 minutes read

Pregnant woman

Pregnancy Weight Management: It's Just My Pregnancy Weight!

Congratulations on your impending pregnancy!! You're probably excited and anticipating the joy that a new life will bring to your family. Those of you who are embarking on this journey for the second or subsequent time know what to expect.

If this is your first child, the journey is just beginning, and there will be some surprises. One of these is the plethora of viewpoints on pregnancy and weight gain; what is healthy and what is not. Healthy weight management begins early in pregnancy. Many women fall into the trap of using "eating for two" as an excuse to overindulge in foods they would normally avoid. The resulting weight gain causes discomfort in the later stages of pregnancy and prepares them for a lot of hard work post-partum to get rid of the evidence.

Weight gain should ideally not occur during the first trimester because the developing fetus is too small. For women of average height and weight, weight gain during the second and third trimesters should be around 1 pound per week. If you are overweight or obese when you become pregnant, this rate of weight gain should be reduced to 0.5-0.6 pounds per week.

So, what kind of weight-loss program should you begin, especially since the nutritional needs of the baby must also be considered? Relax! There are numerous things that any woman can do to manage her pregnancy weight gain in a healthy and long-term manner. Here are some pointers to help you get started:

Feed Your Body

Making a few small changes to your diet while maintaining the nutritional value of the food you eat will pay off in the long run. The body undergoes significant changes during pregnancy, and the effects can be difficult to reverse if not done correctly. Even though it may be tempting, now is not the time to binge on junk food.

Consume a variety of small, balanced meals throughout the day, with the majority of your calories coming from lean protein, green vegetables, high-fiber fruits, dairy products, and whole grains. You will need more calories than usual to stay healthy, but as the baby grows, the stomach will have less and less room to accommodate meals. You will adjust better as abdominal space becomes scarcer if you begin eating smaller, more frequent portions early in the pregnancy.

Also, remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid high blood pressure problems.

Maintain Your Energy

Sleep is an essential component of effective weight management, and its significance cannot be overstated. It allows us to function both mentally and physically, and even a small sleep deficit (one to two hours per night) can lead to major problems such as depression, lack of focus, and a weakened immune system.

Unfortunately, most people don't get enough sleep, and this is especially true for new mothers who are starting to feel uneasy as their bodies change. Enlist the assistance of others to help you get the sleep you require. To maintain your energy, try to maximize your rest periods and take cat naps throughout the day.

Get Yourself Moving

Sometimes it takes all of your energy just to get out of bed, but cardio exercise is important for staying healthy, and it will also help you control pregnancy weight gain and help you achieve proper weight management afterward.

You don't need to commit to a gym workout; you could go for a long walk with friends, or work in a shady spot in the garden. Whatever you do, make sure it is something you enjoy doing. Whenever possible, get 30 minutes of cardio exercise (up to 5 times a week if possible). You will notice that your energy levels actually increase while the body expands and adjusts!

Yoga can also help you to focus your energy and reduce stress. Stretch and pose after waking up for a burst of energy and to help tissue elasticity to avoid stretch marks, and breathe and meditate before bed for a more restful sleep.

You cannot care for your loved ones unless you care for yourself first. You'll enjoy your pregnancy and weight gain will be controlled and easily managed afterward if you combine proper nutrition, exercise, and plenty of rest.