Attracting The Guy Of Your Dreams With Your Style - 4 minutes read

Just a few months ago, you were okay flying solo and as the girls fussed about their men at the salon, you couldn’t be bothered. While it’s great being single and there’s absolutely nothing wrong or incomplete about it, you’re starting to feel ready to share your life with someone and perhaps start a family. Phew! The ever evolving ways of life. It’s an age old fact that men are moved by what they see and that’s why a considerable number of ladies put extra effort into their appearance.

As you are thinking of ways to attract the guy of your dreams with your style, do bear in mind that you can’t afford to lose yourself in the process. Great style is important, but there is a lot more to attracting your dream man that with looks. Also, you want to get the attention of a real man and not one who’d give you endless headaches. That aside, outfits that fit and accentuate your silhouette are always a win and should totally be considered. However, in whatever you do, don’t give off the hint of trying too hard and doing too much. Desperation is a major turn off. Check out these tips for attracting the guy of your dreams with your style.

Dress For The Occasion

We get the fact that you want to make an impression on him with that rainbow colored statement dress, or the fact that your favorite self confidence podcast says beauty is skin deep so you’d rather show up in faded jeans. However, irrespective of the category you fall into, remember to dress for the occasion. Think about it, it will be so misplaced to wear a T-shirt and jeans to a fancy restaurant or that high slit formal dress to the office. That is to say the environment will set the fashion tone. 

Be Modest With A Hint Of Sexy

Yes, you’d like to stand out but contrary to what you may think, some men are attracted to simplicity. Maybe it’s the gazillion Barbie-like Instagram models that flood his feed, or the unbelievable transformations of makeup artistes that has the guy of your dreams fed up and still single (which is beneficial for you). By choosing modesty with a dash of sexy, you will indeed be remembered for all the right reasons and give the man of your dreams hot flashes in a cold room. 

Get Creative With Hair And Makeup

Subtle makeup and great hair are the icing on the cake. They cooperatively show that you’re put together and you certainly care about how you look. On the other hand, an unkempt hair or shabbily done makeup defeats the purpose. You don’t have to go overboard with this as the right bobby pin here and a lip gloss there may be all you need. 

Coordinate Your Look

Being able to pair the right colors that complement your skin is an important skill, especially now you are trying to attract the guy of your dreams. Now is not the time to experiment with all the colors on the wheel but when green does magic to your skin, wear the life out of them. In order words, a coordinated look is a very welcome approach. I mean, who wouldn’t notice a classy woman rocking an ensemble in colors that do her justice? 

Elevate Your Confidence

When you’re done combining your ensemble and putting on your favorite cologne, now is the time to radiate confidence. You’re the IT girl who’s about to make all her dreams come true.  Self-confidence will elevate you to god-tier and you can hold your own in a conversation when you finally get his attention. There’ll be no need to try to manipulate your dream guy into falling for you. Self-confidence says, “I’m not perfect but I accept myself on every level” and invites him to do the same. Remember that to attract the guy of your dreams, good looks can be helpful. But to keep him, a great personality plus knowledge of yourself and personal style is key. Good luck.