Finally Here is the Ultimate Diet for Natural and Permanent Weight Loss during this Lock Down - 4 minutes read

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As we continue in our efforts to not gain much weight & to lose already gained pounds during this lock down, you already know that there are many diets that have been developed over the years. But you may ask, what are the best diets for Natural and Permanent weight loss, what can you start eating and be sure that you will lose weight speedily and permanently. Well, It's actually closer and cheaper than you may have imagined. So let's dig in:


Seriously Carbs? Well yes,

The carbohydrates intake should be mainly from bread, either pita or barley bread. While white and wholemeal pita bread is similar to any other white or wholemeal bread, the barley bread is outstanding with a super low Glycemic index of only 34.

As for pasta, it should be a side, rather than the main dish. Usually, only 1- 1.5 cups of pasta should be consumed.


Amongst the various fruits that enhance weight loss, 2 stand out for our weight loss efforts. They are Peaches and Cherries.

Peaches are great for weight loss because they contain flavanoids like catechins which boosts metabolism. Besides, they are also low in calories and high in fiber.

You would love this: Cherries, on the other hand contain a hormone called melatonin which also boost our metabolism. It is also believed to be one of the most energy boosting fruits. Hence, it gives us the much needed energy while eating less, thereby reducing our weight.

Freely discover my most recommended weight loss trick here:


A vegetable diet made up of tubers like radishes, turnips and carrots, green leafy greens like lettuce and root vegetables like potatoe, tomatoe and eggplants. All this supplemented with a dose of nuts and seeds.

Take a lot of tomatoes and eggplants. Tomatoes are great for weight loss as it is known to reduce inflammation, water retention and reverses leptin resistance. Leptin is the protein that signals to our brain when we are full, thereby preventing us from overeating.

You can get plenty of fiber from eggplants. This will keep you feel satiated for longer, reducing your hunger pangs, thereby cutting down your food intake.


This diet calls for consumption of large amounts of legumes, lentils and broad beans, providing much needed protein from plants. Doing so have been shown by studies to reduce weight significantly


Incorporate fresh sardines and anchovy grilled and drizzled with lemon sauce. This provides plenty of protein and omega 3 fatty acid. Due to the fact that we may not be able to get hold of fresh sardines and anchovy easily, an alternative may be grilled salmon and the dried version of anchovy. In Asia, dried anchovy is commonly used in soups, chinese stir fries, or deep dried drizzled with lime and chilli paste.

This diet calls for only moderate consumption of non-fish meat supplemented by diary products mainly made up of cheese and yoghurt.


Well, Better Sleep Patterns Boost Metabolism and as numerous studies have shown, having the correct sleep pattern can dramatically help us burn away those unwanted stubborn visceral belly fat.

Well, to burn your belly fat and lose weight permanently while you sleep, you would need to be in "deep sleep" by 10 pm, This is because our biological clock triggers the production of melatonin to start at 10pm when we are in deep sleep. Your body will ramp up the production until 12 midnight when it begins to decline and stops completely by 2am and ideally, you should allow for 7 hours of sleep daily.

So, you may ask, how do I get into deep sleep mode. Especially, when we age, it is more and more difficult for us to get into deep sleep mode. That is one of the key reasons why as we age, we find our metabolism dropping and more difficult to permanently lose weight.

Sleep in a quiet room far from noise makers, Take beverages that relax your nerves and get you into deep sleep mode.

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