Wildlife Hotels & Resorts in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve - 4 minutes read

Lemon tree lodge

Right at the end of Vindhya Range in Madhya Pradesh is Maikal Hills this where it converges with the Satpura Range and together they comprise of Highlands of Central India. Bandhavgarh National Park and tiger reserve is part of these magnificent mountain chain. The tallest mountain at 800 MLS is called Bandhavgarh and the park is named after it. A tribal fort built more than two thousand years back was a citadel that faced many conquests from the dynasties around. They ruled for a brief period and then were vanquished. The bloody tales of internice wars are etched on the way up to the table top mountains and steep bare walled cliffs.

In this paradise time seems to have frozen still and absolute silence prevails a sudden cry of a terrified animals breaks the monotony and jars you out of reprieve. To be at heights of Bandhavgarh it is a dream come true. To witness life that prevailed thousands of years back is indeed a best holiday for townspeople. To enjoy wilderness pristine is another dream. This little paradise is built on virtual realities take for example the zoomorphic idols Lord Vishnu you feel as if God descended unto this salubrious, quiet and rejuvenating confines.

To see the tiger in its natural confines is another dream come true. This is the land of the tiger a kingdom where the big cats thrive along with other enchanting animals and colorful avian. Bandhavgarh in Central India or Madhya Pradesh is a biodiversity hub where many of the fauna and flora have never been touched by the humans and their modern civilization since evolution began.

Imagine a safari holiday in the confines of this beautiful biodiversity hub and the land of the tiger. Well if you wager this will come true. There are large number of resorts here which will lend credence to make your journey a huge success. A holiday in the pristine jungles of India is comfort. What more do you wish for. There are many wildlife resorts that deliver comfort, provide modern amenities and organize thrilling safaris.

The accommodation providers here will leave no stone unturned for their guests in order to deliver the sylvan charm and solace of the pristine forests. The excitement of tiger sighting runs parallel to sighting and elusive leopard or a sloth bear. A wild dog pack on hunt can be a bonus on a wildlife holiday. A birding trek is as exciting as the search for big cats. For all this stay at a right place and there are many. Hence before arriving here do some research check for modern amenities, good food, state of art services and the best naturalist guide. Seek reference or visit tripadvisor for reviews. Talk to the management and confirm what all they provide. Make sure of essentials you need. You will be surprised what a fantastic experience a right decisions will deliver. They appear from the blues these amazing resorts complete in themselves out in the far pavilions far far away from urbanity in which we live.

A large number of wildlife resorts or hotels thrive in this reserve and many provide a luxurious stay with state of art services. These are referred as high end hotels in Bandhavgarh National Park. They are not exactly in the center of the park but in the outer ring where the ambiance prevails same as in the center or the core.

Bandhavgarh is four hours drive from Jabalpur Airport and Rail Head in Madhya Pradesh. It is the best way to reach this destination. There is an overnight train from New Delhi that halts thirty two kilometers short at Umaria. From here the hotel taxi should pick you up.