How do you use lead in Minecraft? - 4 minutes read


In the vast and dynamic world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new ways to harness resources and expand their creations. One invaluable material that often goes overlooked is lead. With its unique properties and versatile applications, lead can greatly enhance your gameplay experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of lead, exploring its sources, crafting recipes, and various practical uses. Whether you're a seasoned player or a Minecraft novice, read on to learn how to make the most of this valuable resource.

Understanding Lead in Minecraft

Lead, also known as a leash, is an item in Minecraft that is primarily used to tether and control certain types of mobs. The primary source of lead in the game is wandering traders, who can be found randomly in the world. These traders sell leads in Minecraft for emeralds, making them a valuable commodity to acquire. Once obtained, players can utilize leads to guide and control animals, facilitating their movement and preventing them from wandering off or escaping.

Crafting a Lead

While wandering traders are a reliable source of leads, players can also craft them using basic materials. To craft a lead, you will need four string and one slimeball. Both string and slimeballs can be obtained by defeating spiders and slimes respectively. Once you have acquired the necessary ingredients, head to a crafting table and arrange them in a diagonal pattern, with the slimeball at the bottom-middle position. This simple crafting recipe allows you to create leads whenever you need them, even without the presence of wandering traders.

Animal Control and Tethering:

The primary function of leads is to control and tether animals. By attaching a lead to an animal, such as a horse, pig, or llama, players can guide and move them with ease. This is particularly useful when transporting animals over long distances or securing them in specific locations. Leads prevent animals from wandering off or getting lost, making them an essential tool for animal husbandry.

Establishing a Mobile Farm:

Leads can be used to create a mobile farm by attaching leads to multiple animals, such as cows, sheep, and chickens. By tethering them to a central point, players can create a mobile grazing area, allowing the animals to feed on grass and crops while still keeping them contained. This method is especially beneficial for players on the move or those with limited space for a traditional farm setup.

Guiding Villagers:

Leads can also be employed to control and guide villagers. By attaching a lead to a villager, players can lead them to desired locations or keep them from wandering off. This can be particularly helpful when relocating villagers or building specific structures within a village. Leads ensure that villagers stay within a designated area, making it easier to manage and protect them from hostile mobs.

Crafting and Decorative Purposes:

Apart from its practical uses, leads can also be used for crafting and decorative purposes. By combining a lead with a slimeball and four string in a crafting table, players can create a decorative item called a lead knot. Lead knots can be placed on fences, giving your Minecraft world a touch of aesthetic appeal. Furthermore, leads can be used to create intricate redstone contraptions, allowing for complex mechanisms and automation.


Lead is an often underrated and underutilized resource in Minecraft, with a multitude of practical applications and creative possibilities. From controlling animals and creating mobile farms to guiding villagers and enhancing your world's aesthetics, the use of leads adds depth and versatility to your gameplay experience. Whether you obtain leads from wandering traders or craft them using string and slimeballs, incorporating leads into your Minecraft

Read More:- How to make a lead in Minecraft