Secret To Dog Training - 8 minutes read

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To discover the secret to dog training is one of the challenges you might face as a dog owner , you may consider that the secret to dog training is very difficult, off course it is not.

According to the most known dog trainers when they share some of their best tips for dog training secret are very simple and are very applicable, and I assure you that they are much easier than you might think to get the desired results as you want, if you implement the secret to dog training in the right manner.

The solution to most dog behavior problems is simple

The best and only effective solution to most of the common problems in pets are very simple. All you have to do is to follow and stick to the plan successfully in equal manner. It is very aware to know that all animals repeat or do behavior that are repeatedly learned or reinforced.

Therefore if your puppy or adult pooch behaves badly for instance, barking at you through the sliding glass door when he is outside and you are inside, or jumping on you when you arrive home from work, or dragging you down the street, on walks, your job is just identify what is rewarding the unwanted behavior.

After you identified the reinforcer, just remove it and in return reward a more appropriate behavior such as being quiet in the case of barking Bowser, sitting for the exuberant greeter. And if it is walking on a loose leash in the case of the persistent puller, you will stop walking immediately before he is about to pull and only if he walks forward when he’s on a loose leash.

There is no any problem to identify the reinforce and it is very easy to identify, for example, if you have a Bowser that barks when you put her in the compound or yard and for sure you let her in due to the barking which is very imitating, and if it stopped barking as soon as she rushes in then by letting her in, then you have rewarded her for her barking. but if you want her to be quite outside, you should ignore her barking-so that you should probably only put her outside,

when you know all your neighbors are out-and-you must wait until she’s quite before to allow her in and that will be her reward for her quietness.

And in a similar fashion, if your puppy or dog greets you by jumping on you and always jumping on you every day and even if you yell at her and push him away.

Off course yelling and pushing away-which are known as forms of attention-are the two main factors which reinforcing his behavior. So you are duty are to understand the reinforcer and in this situation you will stand silently and completely stationary, just like a pole or tree.

So that your ignorance message and being non-interactive with him is crystal clear, then you have to wait until it sits by himself and pet her or praise her as long as he sits down despite his reaction. Keep in mind to be perfect in timing, which is one the basic pillars in dog training,

The same principle is also applicable to the case of the persistent puller, for instance if your dog drags you down the block on leash, he is doing that because it wants to reach there-wherever the end of the leash goes-faster in order not to be waiting for you.

Therefore to change this behavior, you must stop dead on your track every time your dog gets closer to reaching the end of the lead. Your response should be to walk forward briskly only and only if he, on his own, steps back towards you, so he’s on a loose leash.

The secret here is to make in between two choices, black and white. Stop immediately when his front feet get a head of yours, because, he will be in a second at the end of the leash and pulling you, Which means you are going to speed forward immediately when he steps back, in order not to be in a loose loop and starts to stare at you. Off course it is better to wait until he sits and looks at you before you walk on.

Be aware of that, in a case of sit scenario for greetings above, we don’t tell or teach our dog what we want using commands, we just the leave the opportunity to him in order to figure out how the world operates on his own . In conclusion, keep in mind that dogs care about our actions, not our words. So that as a dog owners, we must focus on our actions instead of blurting or insisting out word for our dog to ignore, we must communicate in such way that makes the message is clear.

Train the desired behavior first

Your priority should always be to train the desired behavior first, if we have a look in all the three cases explained above, training will go as you want and in an exponential y speed, if you first take a few minutes to train the behavior you do want. Such as sit quietly when you want attention or sit and look at me when you want something such as to be petted or to walk forward on leash.

In that manner when the unruly or bad behavior of barking or jumping for attention and pulling on a leash to get somewhere faster don’t work, then your dog will be able to think of an alternative behavior that you might want.

Consistency is the Secret

Till now everything explained sounds so simple. But in reality there is some bad news and some good news. Here is the bad news. First of all, you have to be consistent as much as possible, or you will make the bad behavior even worse.

The good news: may you have already been inconsistent, so the behavior’s not likely to get worse once you consciously try to make a change.

Finally this factor throws a wrench into your training plan and you must be consistent, and as you know that consistency is one of the pillars of dog training. So, you can change many of the behaviors practically over night. But not just you, everybody in the house should be in the same page which means you make a concerted effort. Once the plan is in action and you avoid rewarding for the bad behavior and only reward the good behavior every single time. You will notice that your dog quickly leaves the bad behavior. And the good behavior becomes his new habit.

The Solution Works for All Animals

Keep in mind that, the beauty of this approach is applicable to all animals; it doesn’t matter whether you are talking about pet or other animals. This is general way of how all animals learn.

In simple words you can apply the same principles to a housecat, hamster, parrot, or even a lion! Here is a solid example of a lion with a history with what the trainers thought was over motivation for food.

The lion doesn’t care when he came in for its meal, it usually roar and pace, so he ignores anything such as the trainer commands to practice his important lessons which are needed for his husbandry regulations and care, for instance to touch a specified target, sit or continue standing.

That is a clear example of the trainers being inconsistent about rewarding what the lion want, in the following training stated below, the trainers try a different strategy, rather than confusing the lion by telling it what to do, the trainers choose to be quite and decided to wait till the lion offers a behavior they want.

In this manner they are training the lion to lie calmly turn its head 90 degree. Automatically they started rewarding a slight head tum and systematically reward greater head turns.

So that glows the significance of being quite and just focusing on rewarding the correct behavior and at the right times instead of spewing words.

Most of the time spewing words act as a noise for most animals and confuse them. In conclusion the trainers can just focus on the rewarding the behavior they desire and make sure to avoid rewarding the unwanted behaviors-pacing, roaring, fidgeting-the lion learns quickly the head turn two sessions.

For training your dog very fast despite of his age Click Here.