Numerology: What is numerology? And how does it work? - 6 minutes read

What is numerology?

To put it simply, numerology is the study of numbers in your life. Through it, you can discover information about the world and about each individual. Numerology is considered to be the universal language of numbers.

The numerology like astrology. But to get the information and the knowledge, she uses the numbers.

Numerology is the idea that the universe is a system. And when we break it down, we are left with just the basics, which is numbers. Then we use them to help us better understand the world and ourselves as individuals.


Find meaning in numbers

By understanding that everything in the world is dependent and that it can amount to numbers, a numerologist can take multiple items from a person and break them down into meaningful numbers using different methods. We can then use these numbers to help us better understand the world and ourselves as individuals. So, you can uncover ideas about your purpose and personality traits by determining, among other things, your Life Path Number, Expression Number, and Heart Desire Number.

History of numerology

The provenance of numerology is somewhat of a mystery, as are many ancient philosophies. The first written traces of numerology would have been found in Egypt and Babylon.

Other evidence indicates that numerology was already used thousands of years ago in Rome, China, Greece, and Japan.

Modern numerology is attributed to Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher. Although it is not known whether he invented numerology, he did come up with theories that form the basis of numerology. Thus, these theories are the reason why Pythagoras has the credit of modern numerology.


On the other hand, Dr Julian Stenton proposed the term “Numerology”. This earned him the title of the initiator of this practice. Numerology is very popular in today’s society and many people use it.

The basics of numerology to understand how it works

The way that numerology works is not very simple. In fact, it often takes the intervention of a professional numerologist to get accurate and detailed readings. Obviously, you can easily find your Life Path Number, your Expression Number with a few simple calculations. But it is the interpretation of these numbers that must be done correctly.

The idea behind numerology is that birth date, birth name, and many other parameters that surround an individual affect the cosmos and human life. In this way, reading numerology can go to great depths. Therefore, it can give often very precise information about a person.


What Numerology Reading Includes

The reading numerology requires numerous calculations. These calculations can bring out numbers with different meanings. Even a basic reading of your key numbers can be quite revealing.

However, just as numbers are infinite, you can read someone’s numerology chart from many angles.

The life path number

First of all, you should know that your Life Path number is the most important. It creates the basis for the path your life will follow. It also reflects who you are, or should be, in your personality and traits. In addition, the life path number describes any opportunities or challenges that you could overcome. On the other hand, it reveals the lessons you might have to learn along the way.

All of the life path numbers have different meanings. We calculate our life path number by adding the numbers of our complete date of birth. For example, August 22, 1991, would be 2 + 2 + 8 = 12 We decompose 12 into 1 + 2 = 3. Then 1991 is decomposed into 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 20. Now you add 2 + 0 = 2. Finally, add 3 and 2 together to get your Life Path number, which is 3 + 2 = 5.

Once you’ve figured out your Life Path Number, you can see what it says about you and your life. And it may be surprising how precise knowing the general characteristics of your Life Path can be.


The number of expression or number of fate

The number of expressions deepens your abilities, desires and personal goals. Plus, it can make you aware of any inherent traits that you might have.

To calculate your expression number, convert your full birth name to numbers using the Pythagorean chart above. Then the total sum is broken down into a single-digit number. Once again, the main numbers apply to your destiny number and are no longer reduced.

No matter what expression number you have left, it has different meanings and works in combination with other main numbers to create a picture of who you are and who you are as a person in the larger universe.

Your number relative to the heart’s desire

It can symbolize a reflection of your self, or your true self. The most interesting thing about this number is that it often reveals truths that you don’t recognize until you have read it.

For example, it may indicate that you really need power. Or that you are much deeper and need a higher level of accomplishment. On the other hand, you may need to feel valued or taken care of.


To calculate it, also take your full birth name. However, only calculate the value of the vowels to reveal your inner cravings or desires.

Your personality number

Your numerology personality number is calculated by taking the consonants of your full name. Then calculate in the same way as for your destiny number.

The personality number is the side of you that you let others see. In turn, this shows how others see you. The majority of people hide under a mask. Most of the time, we do it without even realizing it. This is why it is often very enlightening to see how your personality number can show the things that you are ignoring by acting the way you do. So, it can reveal deeper information about your behaviours under different circumstances.

Numerology according to your day of birth

Last but not least, your birth number is the key to your destiny. This number is based only on the exact day you were born. Combined with your Life Path Number and other key numbers, it can reveal your gifts, talents, and even your life purpose.

This number will tell you specific talents and their potential place in your universe to give you a real purpose.

See also: The Spiritual Importance of 12/12 According to Numerology and What Numerology Has to Tell You About Your Love Life