Does freezing an egg impact fertility? - 3 minutes read

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\With the advancement in medical technology, it's not impossible to get pregnant in case of infertility or any related cause. Similarly, for women who don’t want to conceive as of now or for a certain period due to some reason, technology allows them to freeze eggs and later conceive when they want. However, there are few risks associated, and often people ask if it affects fertility?

Egg freezing is a method to preserve unfertilized eggs for future use. The egg freezing method uses some hormones where multiple eggs get matured in one cycle and are preserved for future use. It probably won't affect the natural egg reserve in your body.


Egg freezing simply uses certain hormonal medicines that cause the maturation of multiple eggs in one menstrual cycle. These eggs are collected through a transvaginal route and frozen for future use. It does not affect natural fertility. it doesn't cause any decline in the natural oocyte reserve of your body. It can help women get pregnant in the later stages of their life without any complications. Some of the risks involved with egg freezing are :

●    egg stimulation may cause hyper maturation of the egg

●    Using frozen-thawed eggs makes women liable for the risk of IVF. The IVF Centre in Mohali can help you with egg freezing and IVF.

●    It May involve cardiac abnormalities ( very rare)


Why is egg freezing done?


Egg freezing is a method to preserve mature eggs for use in the future, also called cryopreservation. If a woman wishes to get pregnant but is not ready yet, egg freezing can be a method to get pregnant in the future without any risk of developing babies with abnormalities.

Bloomivf, an infertility clinic can help you freeze eggs.

When can you prefer egg freezing :


●    disorder or condition that can affect your fertility

●    undergoing a treatment that can hamper your chances of getting pregnant

●    simply preserving your eggs for future use

●     when undergoing IVF


The Potential benefits of egg freezing :


Women who do not wish to get pregnant at advanced stages of their life can choose this method. it will help them achieve the benefits of becoming a mothér without much risk involved

●    it helps them become a parent with frozen throwed egg

●    chances of genetic abnormalities are relatively low

●    women who don't have any partner yet to develop embryo freezing can undergo egg freezing

●    provide women enough time to find a long-term partner to start a family.



Conclusion: Egg freezing is a preferred modern method by women who don't wish to get pregnant in the advanced stages of their life. They can preserve their healthy eggs for future use. This method does not alter your natural fertility. certain hormonal drugs can alter your egg maturation cycle and may cause hyperstimulation. This method helps you get offspring without any risk of chromosomal abnormalities, which makes it a relatively safer option. Cryopreservation exposes women to the possible risk involved in IVF but it can be managed. Bloomivf, the best IVF Clinic in Mumbai can help you understand the risk and benefits of egg freezing and IVF.