Most Common Types of Truck Collisions - 2 minutes read

In 2022, New Jersey witnessed its highest tally of traffic-related fatalities and injuries in 15 years. Since 2020, the state has experienced a concerning uptrend in traffic fatalities, with over 600 deaths recorded that year alone. Notably, there was an 18.6 percent surge in fatal accidents from 2020 to 2021 alone, encompassing truck accidents in this statistic.

The most common types of truck accidents include:

  • Jackknife Accidents: These occur when a large truck, such as a commercial semi-trailer, folds toward the cab due to sudden braking or loss of control.
  • Truck Rollovers: Rollover accidents commonly involve large trucks. A truck tips over onto its side or roof, often due to factors like speed, road conditions, or cargo imbalance.
  • Tire Blowouts: Sudden tire failures can lead to loss of control, causing accidents. Proper tire maintenance is crucial to prevent blowouts.
  • Wide Turns: Trucks making wide turns can collide with other vehicles, especially in intersections. Blind spots contribute to this type of accident.
  • Blind Spots: Trucks have significant blind spots, and collisions occur when other vehicles enter these areas.
  • Rear-End Collisions: These happen when a truck strikes the rear of another vehicle. Factors like tailgating, distracted driving, or sudden stops contribute to such accidents.
  • Under-Ride Accidents: These occur when a smaller vehicle gets trapped underneath the rear or side of a truck. Proper underride guards are essential to prevent these accidents.
  • Lost Loads: Cargo falling off trucks can cause accidents. Improperly secured loads pose a risk to other motorists.

These accidents can result from various factors, including driver negligence, mechanical failures, and poor weather conditions. If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, seek legal assistance from a skilled truck accident lawyer In New Jersey to ensure your legal rights are protected.