The No 1 Lose Weight Diet Solution - 2 minutes read

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Do you want lose weight but you have no idea where to start? Or you're sick of eating boring diet foods. Don't worry this is not another crash diet or crazy diet scam that you read or experience. The diet that does allow you to eat all the food you love. Well this article is right for you to lose weight diet solution.

If you want to burn off 10% of you unwanted fat in the next 4 weeks and continue to burn until you have the body you'll always love. You need to follow only three principles. First you need to know the exact foods that cause speed up fat burning in your body. Second know the particular foods that are preventing, and the third put the right foods together in a certain way to create a splendid fat burning effect.

Carbohydrates will make you chubby like whole wheat bread, whole grain pasta, sp called healthy cereals, whole grain crackers. This food will not help your body to burn fat. The types of carbohydrates that can help your body to burn fats like sprouted grain bread, rice, spelt, millet, quinoa, sweet potatoes, fruit and vegetables will burn fat faster.

Good vs. bad fats. What do you think of this? Maybe you will say that I'm crazy, you see our body needs good fats. It's impossible to lose fat without eating fat. Good fat does not make you fat, instead it gives your body to increase your metabolism to burn fats.

The bad fat that will cause you to gain are hydrogenated oil, canola oil, margarine, substitute butter and the fat that you need to take to lose fat are real butter, whole eggs, coconut oil, avocados, raw nuts.

Why most diets flunk? Because. The diet that they do is not specific to their body. People have different metabolic type. Most of all they eat wrong food.

To lose weight successfully, you need to know first your metabolic type. You need to know the specific food right for you to burn your body fat and know exactly when to eat. This is not a diet. It's a diet solution to lose weight.