The influence of diet on metabolism - 4 minutes read

I eat, so I lose weight!

Eating less to reduce the number of calories absorbed is a good principle but is not enough to lose fat because the body adapts the metabolism accordingly, a little as if it were saving. We will certainly lose a few pounds in the first weeks of the diet but it will become more difficult afterwards. In addition, the lost pounds will be quickly caught up once the deprivations are over, the body storing the excess calories that it had managed to deprive itself of until then.

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Foods to choose from

Some foods are harder to break down than others. This is the case for complex carbohydrates (flours, etc.) and proteins. Our body spends more energy digesting this type of food than lipids for example, simple in structure and stored almost as is. Thus, the energy value of a food alone is to be taken with caution since in the end, the number of calories stored also depends on the type of food. To take an example, a 100 kcal steak will make you fat less than a 100 kcal serving of butter because our body will spend much more on assimilating the meat than on storing the fat provided by the butter.

Here is the percentage of energy consumed to assimilate nutrients:

·        Protein: 18 to 25 %

·        Carbohydrates: 4 to 7 %

·        Fat: 2 to 4 %

According to these figures, our body burns 18 to 25 kilocalories to digest 100 kilocalories of lean meat. This energy is partly found in the form of heat, the remaining 70 to 80 kilocalories are stored or used for the functioning of our body. Only 2 to 4 kilocalories are spent to digest 100 kilocalories of lipids.

Eat more often!

This idea seems marginal but it is quite serious, provided of course not to eat more in quantity! By increasing the frequency of meals, we distribute the calories ingested more evenly allowing greater thermogenesis. Plan 4 to 5 meals a day at a fixed time by interspersing, between the main meals, 1 to 2 breaks where you will eat lean protein preferably (sea meat, lean ham, dairy product) or complex carbohydrates (whole grain cereals, fruits). Avoid keeping your stomach empty: this slows down the metabolism enormously.

Do not skip any meals, especially breakfast. The latter is very important because it awakens the body and boosts the metabolism slowed down by a night's sleep. Avoid fats and prefer complex carbohydrates, less caloric but promoting thermogenesis. Favor fiber (cereals, preferably whole grains) that takes longer to digest and will allow you to last longer.

Respect the balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats


If proteins promote thermogenesis, it should not be abused. Eat a balanced diet by respecting the proportions of nutrients that the body needs to function well, namely 30% fat, 55% carbohydrates and 15% protein. As a general rule and apart from bodybuilding sessions requiring more proteins, it is recommended not to consume more than 0.8 g of protein per kilo per day, or 55 grams for a person of 70 kilos or 180 to 280 grams of meat per day (based on 20 to 30% of protein in meat). Avoid fatty meats (pork, sausage, etc.).

Stay hydrated! A water deficiency slows down the metabolism.

Hydrate yourself by drinking water regularly, throughout the day, especially if you play sports (see our article on hydration and sports performance). Water is essential for activities related to metabolism, including lipolysis (fat breakdown). If you don't drink enough, your metabolism will slow down. In addition, by filling the stomach, the water gives a feeling of satiety. It cleans and drains impurities. It is essential for the elimination of toxins and lactic acid manufactured during efforts and responsible for body aches and cramps.


Promote foods that increase metabolism

Some foods are known to increase metabolism, such as methylxanthines, including caffeine (coffee, cola, etc.), green tea extract also known for its antioxidant properties and widely used in diet programs. Apple cider vinegar, garlic, honey, dried fruits, fish oils are also interesting. Products that promote metabolism can also be found commercially. This is the case, for example, of L-carnitine sold in specialized stores. Beware of contraindications, the opinion of your doctor is necessary. (L-Carnitine on sale at our partner).