Six Top Tips for Maintaining Prostate Health - 3 minutes read

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It is a sad reality that most men over a certain age will encounter prostate problems, you may be familiar with the word 'benign prostatic hyperplasia' (BPH) a term used for an increase in size of the prostate. The bigger the size of your enlarged prostate doesn't necessarily mean your symptoms will be worse. Sometimes a very large prostate can cause only a slight irritation whereas a small increase can sometimes be very bothersome.

It is not all bad news though as there are several things one can do to maintain prostate health. Firstly you need to know if there is indeed a problem and get it checked out as soon as possible.

How to spot enlarged prostate symptoms:

There are a few tell-tale signs to help you identify that perhaps something is not functioning as it should:

Frequent urination

Difficulty in fully emptying your bladder

A decrease of pressure in your urine stream

The need to strain while urinating

An increase in nocturnal bathroom visits

Stop-start urination difficulties

Urgency incontinence

Not all urination problems mean you have an unhealthy prostate, but it is best to get these symptoms checked out straight away. The American Cancer Society recently reported that an astounding 190,000 patients are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year.

Common sense tips for a healthy prostate and lifestyle.

As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure, so here's six tips which should help keep you on track:

Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly is of course number one on the list.

Fruit and vegetable shakes are an easy and tasty way to get your daily dose of powerful antioxidants.

Again, this may be obvious but try to stop smoking or at the very least cut right down. There is a plethora of support and clever devices available to help you break the habit.

Family history is a great prevention tool; if your father's suffered with prostate problems then get yourself checked out more regularly than most.

Selenium-rich diets can also be a prevention tool; this can include tuna, seafood, shellfish, mushrooms, garlic and onions.

Finally a low-fat diet which is supplemented with some ground flaxseed has also been shown to reduce an enlarged prostate.

A low-fat balanced diet combined with regular exercise will improve your health in all areas, not just the prostate. Maintaining your physical health also does wonders for your mental stability too. After all, a healthy body and mind is all one really needs to live a happy life.

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