6 Steps To Make An Online Career with YouTube - 4 minutes read

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If you are looking for new ways to earn money online, then YouTube might be the best place to start your journey! The great thing about YouTube videos is that they are easy to produce and relatively easy to sell.

In fact, anyone can do it! You don’t even need any video production skills or experience in video editing. If you have some free time on your hands and want to earn some extra money online, then YouTube could be the best option out there. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about making money with YouTube videos!

Step #1: Identify Your Passion

Identifying your passion will help you create better content for a targeted audience. Once you have identified your passion, it is time to decide what type of video you want to make.

To make money from videos, there are many options that can be explored including vlogs, how-to videos, product reviews, tutorials, and more! For example, if your passion is beauty products then you could create a tutorial on how to apply makeup or a review of the latest new lip gloss.

Step #2: Create Videos Around That Passion

Make money from doing something you love. Create videos on topics that you love and are comfortable with. That's what passion is all about. When people watch your videos they want to be inspired or entertained, so it's important that you are passionate about what you're talking about. 

Secondly, after creating the videos upload them on a daily basis. The more content you have, the more likely people will subscribe to your channel. Another thing is that when you create content regularly, chances are higher that some big YouTubers might notice your work and feature it on their channels in order for you to reach an even bigger audience! So there is no time like the present!

How to start, grow, and monetize a hyper-profitable YouTube channel from complete scratch.

Step #3: Use SEO and Keywords

When you are making your videos, make sure you use SEO (search engine optimization) in order to rank higher on search engines for keywords that people are looking up. Once you rank high enough, ads will start popping up on your video, which means that YouTube will start giving you money! How cool is that? But don’t forget to include keywords in the title of your video so it shows up when people are searching for those words.

Step #4: Promote

Promote your videos on social media, websites, blogs, etc. The more exposure you have for your content the more likely you are to make money from videos. Reach out to other influencers in the industry or community who might want to feature or mention your video (or just follow you). Join Facebook groups that are relevant to what you're posting about and interact with them regularly. And of course, engage as much as possible by commenting on other people's posts and uploading new content often!

Step #5: Answer Questions in Video Form

One of the best ways to make money online is by responding to people's questions in video form. This is a great way to build up your credibility as an expert, and it's also a lucrative side gig if you do it on the side. Even better, many of these platforms are free! You can answer questions on places like Facebook, Quora

Step #6: Don't Give Up!

Even if you are not making money right away, it's important not to get discouraged. Keep going! If you really believe in what you're doing and put in the hard work, your efforts will eventually pay off.

YouTube is an amazing tool to help you make money online so give it a try! And don't forget to consider the six steps as you start your online career.

How to start, grow, and monetize a hyper-profitable YouTube channel from complete scratch.