Deciphering the 75 Hard Challenge: Is it Fitness Fad or Friend? - 3 minutes read

The 75 Hard Challenge has become a sensation online, offering significant physical and mental changes in just 75 days. But before diving in, let’s break down what it entails, its potential upsides and downsides, and whether it truly lives up to the hype.

Understanding 75 Hard:

What is 75 Hard?

Devised by entrepreneur Andy Frisella, 75 Hard isn’t just about fitness; it’s a self-proclaimed “mental toughness program.” Over 75 days, participants commit to six unyielding rules:

Diet: Stick to any chosen diet, but no alcohol or cheat meals.

Exercise: Complete two 45-minute workouts daily, one outdoors.

Hydration: Drink a gallon of water daily.

Progress pictures: Take a daily photo.

Reading: Read 10 pages of non-fiction each day.

No excuses: Any slip-up means restarting the entire 75 days.

Unveiling the 75 Hard Challenge:


Photo: .getsfit/Instagram

No excuses, no breaks:

Essentially, 75 Hard is a 75-day test of mental toughness requiring strict adherence to its rules. The core principle is completing two daily workouts, one being outdoors, rain or shine.

Hydration matters:

Participants must consume a gallon of water every day. Adequate hydration is vital for health and serves as a cornerstone of the challenge, emphasizing consistent discipline.

Read daily:

Daily reading is non-negotiable. Participants must spend time reading at least 10 pages of non-fiction, promoting continuous learning and mental development.

Follow a diet plan:

The challenge mandates adhering to a chosen diet or nutrition plan, fostering discipline in making conscious dietary choices.

No alcohol or cheats:

To reinforce discipline and consistency, 75 Hard bars alcohol consumption and deviation from the chosen diet, aiming to solidify healthy habits.

The Benefits of 75 Hard:


Photo: via /Instagram

Mental toughness and resilience:

By pushing through daily workouts, strict diets, and continuous self-improvement, 75 Hard builds mental toughness and resilience beyond the physical realm.

Establishing healthy habits:

Encouraging daily exercise, hydration, and learning, the challenge helps establish long-term healthy habits.

Community and accountability:

The challenge fosters a supportive community on social media, providing motivation and accountability throughout the 75 days.

Potential Drawbacks and Concerns:

Photo: /Instagram

Sustainability: The rigid structure may be unsustainable, leading to discouragement.

Individualized needs: The program doesn’t consider individual health conditions or dietary needs.

Mental health: Intense pressure could trigger negative thoughts, especially for those with mental health concerns.

Lack of professional guidance: The program lacks input from licensed professionals.

Should You Try It?

75 Hard may suit those seeking a rigorous challenge, but prioritize your health and well-being.

Consider Alternatives:

Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Seek a sustainable routine and flexible fitness plan.

Focus on progress rather than perfection.

Featured image: /Instagram