10 Tips for your Healthy and Beautiful Smile - 7 minutes read

10 tips for your healthy and beautiful smile

Who has never dreamed of having Julia Roberts' beautiful smile? But displaying a radiant smile by subtly revealing one's white teeth is not given to everyone. Don't panic: if you want to know how to have a beautiful smile to make a star pale, just follow these 8 beauty tips.



To display a star smile, you must already start by taking care of your teeth. In addition to a regular visit to the dentist once a year to see if everything is fine and a small scaling, it is necessary to take care of your quenottes on a daily basis thanks to careful brushing and after each meal. To brush your teeth effectively, you have to put the time (3 minutes, the time of a song) and do not forget a corner (inner and outer faces of teeth, bottom of the jaw, tongue, gums ...). And we think about changing your toothbrush every 2 months or so!

To give an extra touch of whiteness, you can resort to lighting treatments on sale in pharmacies. Generally, this whitening treatment is done over two weeks but the result of these products varies according to the individual. Alternatively, you can also ask your dentist to whiten your teeth during your annual visit. There is also the option of ceramic dental veneers (for a broken tooth for example) but this process has a certain cost. Finally, if you have teeth that are not aligned and it does not give you the confidence to smile, orthodontics can be the solution (Tom Cruise, Khloé Kardashian, or Gwen Stefani have worn an adult brace to have straight teeth).


For good oral hygiene, brushing your teeth is good but it's not enough. In order to have a healthy mouth and bright teeth, nothing beats flossing to perfect the work of brushing! This step makes it possible to remove the remains of dental plaque that would have escaped cleaning (whether manual or electrical).

The right technique? Take a thread long enough to wrap around your two middle fingers and then pinch the wire between the thumb and index finger leaving about 5 cm in between. Then place the wire between your teeth instead so as to form a "C" before making a vertical back-and-forth movement. For the upper row of the dentition, it will be from top to bottom, and vice versa for the lower row. Also do not forget the collar of the tooth (under the gingival border). Of course, we use a piece of clean thread for each tooth.

The small downside with dental floss is that if you force, or have sensitive gums, you risk injury. To avoid this, we can for example opt for a dental jet, like those offered at Waterpik. An ideal way to remove all residue and plaque is simply with the help of a jet of pulsed water. Sold with 6 different tips, the Waterpik Ultra Plus hydro prop offers complete precision care. By reaching hard-to-reach areas of the mouth as well as interdental spaces, it improves our dental hygiene in just one minute a day. The device also promises to prevent bleeding gums. The little extra of the Waterpik Ultra Plus hydro pulper? It has the power to optimally clean dental braces and appliances, especially thanks to its very practical orthodontic tip.


You will not be taught that tobacco is harmful to health. But smoking also has an impact on teeth: spots and ugly yellow film, risk of oral cancer, cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis... In short, nicotine is not really a good friend when you want to display a beautiful smile in photos and other selfies. Not to mention that the pack of cigarettes costs more and more expensive. So why not stop permanently?


Just like tobacco, some foods can affect the whiteness of our quenottes. As for drinks, red wine, tea or coffee are to be consumed in moderation to avoid stains. Ditto for carbonated sodas whose acidity damages the enamel (just like citrus fruits or tart sweets). In the category of foods that make teeth yellow, we also find red beetroot, soy sauce, tomato sauce (just like ketchup), curry, blueberry or balsamic vinegar. A little tip to limit the impact on your teeth if you eat them: drink a glass of water right after to rinse your mouth (or brush your teeth if you can).On the other hand, some foods can help us keep white teeth such as strawberries that contain malic acid (known to be effective against stains because they activate the production of saliva), lemon (to be used sparingly because of its acidity), raw carrot (eating it also allows to produce saliva and therefore clean the mouth), dark chocolate (which hardens the enamel thanks to theobromine) or nuts (crunching helps clean dental plaque).


If having beautiful teeth is essential to display a Hollywood smile, you must also think about pampering your lips. Dried lips do not make you want to multiply smiles. Here are our care tips for a soft and soft mouth. We how by an exfoliation session, just to remove the small dead skin. The easy homemade recipe? A little honey and sugar mixture is applied to his lips by rubbing lightly. Leave for a few minutes and rinse.


To highlight your pretty teeth, nothing beats a touch of lipstick or gloss! Be careful, however, to choose your lipstick according to your complexion: for example, cold shades will go very well for girls with light hair and skin while redheads will prefer products in copper tones, perfect to emphasize their flamboyant hair. Also note: orange hues tend to bring out yellowed teeth.If you discover your lips are a little thin, you can bet on plumping formulas. Finally, for top hydration, consider applying a little moisturizing balm on your lips before your makeup. Another makeup tip: use sun powder to intensify the distinction between your complexion and your teeth.


Did you know that no less than 17 muscles were used to smile? But, as with everything, it sags if you don't make them work. Our tip for toned muscles: the facial gym. Here are two techniques to work the lifting and lowering muscles of the mouth.- 1st exercise to counter the "sad mouth" effect: close the mouth, keep the lips glued against the teeth, and smile as much as possible for 5 seconds before returning to normal. To be done 10 times.- 2nd exercise is to plump the lower lip and work the muscles of the lower face: close your jaw and then lower the lower lip. You have the right position if you see the lower teeth appear and feel tension at the corners of the chin. Again, we keep the pose for 5 seconds and repeat the movement 10 times.


For a bright and sincere smile, don't force yourself. So we relax the muscles of the cheeks, we do not go up the corners of the mouth too much and we let his smile shine through at the level of his eyes (otherwise we look tense). To master the technique, don't hesitate to follow ahead of your mirror to look at the result and gain confidence. By force, you'll memorize the movement and it'll become instinctive.


A quick workout can do wonders for your body but did you know that it can also help perfect your smile? You can do facial exercises to firm and tone the muscles of your face. Practicing your smile in front of the mirror is the most accessible facial exercise you can try. Sit or stand in front of a mirror, relax your face, bend, and smile. Hold the smile for 10 seconds, then relax again. Do these exercises once a day until you get a natural and pleasant smile.


A pretty smile always rhymes with white teeth. Take care of your teeth and they will reward you with a unique and charming smile.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day and always rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash. Do not forget to visit your dentist semi-annually for a check-up and or scaling which is the best asset to have healthy teeth throughout the year.