3 Options/ Plans For Losing Weight - 2 minutes read

Every day, over a million people are, either, on a diet, were recently, or considering some sort of weight - loss program. Unfortunately, for most, this process, often, becomes a yo - yo exercise, with many, constantly, putting - on/ gaining, and losing weight, over - and - over, again! There are many theories, about the best approach, yet, the reality, probably, is, there is no such thing, as one - size - fits - all, when it comes to dieting, and/ or, taking off the pounds! There are people who are successful, and others, with, far - less, stellar results, using, nearly any of these, because, it depends on the individual's reasons, mindset, attitude, discipline, commitment, and endurance, as well as other factors, which are relevant, to the success of the particular program, for an individual. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 3 options/ plans, for attempting to lose weight.

1. Low/ reduced calorie: Perhaps, the most common, and conventional approach, is reducing one's calorie intake. The amount of reduction, needed, often, depends, largely, on one's sex, starting - body weight, overall health, metabolism, etc. In addition, while this approach, is, successful, for many, a large number of people, find it too challenging, to commit to, on a longer - term. It, also, requires, committing to counting calories, as well as, often, a major change to one's eating habits, diet, etc. Nearly, every food has some calories and, when, we go about our everyday, lives, we burn - up, a certain amount of these. When one burns more calories, than he intakes, the result is, usually, weight - loss.

2. Exercise: Regular exercise, especially, when done, safely, and carefully, is beneficial, both, in terms of overall health, and well - being, and losing weight. However, it is important to remember, when using this approach, fat is often replaced by muscle, so, while, generally, the individual, is healthier, it shouldn't be judged, merely, by stepping - on the scale.

3. Diet and exercise: Combining, both, a healthy diet, and proper exercise, is an effective, healthy approach, and works, when the individual, has the commitment, and endurance, to continue, for an extended period. The challenge, often, is, it is often, difficult for many, to remain committed, for enough time, to see the maximum results!

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