Why Do You Think Numerology is Considered A Pseudoscience? - 4 minutes read


Have you ever felt that a particular number proves to be your problem solver all the time? Have you ended up having a soft corner for a certain number which happens to remove all the obstacles in your way? This may be due to the mystical nature of numbers.

We are surrounded by numbers and deal with them on a daily basis, but some numbers catch our attention like no other. For instance, a certain gentleman was associated with a legal dispute over an ancestral property that had carried on for generations. This man happened to observe that whenever he had a hearing on a date whose sum was 5, the proceedings inexplicably favored him. He believed that this number would help him to win the case and he took the leap of faith. He tried to have all his hearings scheduled for the 5th, 14th or 23rd. In just a few months, he had won the case.

You may call it coincidence, but since then this person has considered the number 5 to be his lucky mascot. He holds all his important business meetings on dates that add up to the number 5. It is not surprising that he has attained much success and prosperity in his life.

What exactly is Numerology?

In simple words, numerology is a study of numbers and the various ways in which these numbers can have a lasting effect on the lives of people. Numerologists believe that every number carries certain vibrations which may prove to be beneficial for the people associated with it.

Long ago, when these numbers were created, each one of them was found to have some properties that contributed its impact on life. And later, this information was passed on as per the oral tradition from generation to generation.

If you really want to learn more about the peculiar nature of numbers, you can download any free numerology app and get the information you want from an expert numerologist.

Why Is Numerology Considered A Pseudoscience In Today's World?

The majority of the scientific community relegates the status of Numerology to that of a pseudoscience due to the lack of factual evidence behind its working. This is despite the fact that Numerology is accredited to the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who created the Pythagorean theory in mathematics around 500 BC.

Practitioners of Numerology consider it to be a science because the predictions are based on vibrations, but unfortunately the problem of lack of scientific evidence remains. However, research is on to prove the factual accuracy of numerology. It is very likely that scientific proof will soon become available for its defense.

Yet it is true that not many people believe that numbers can bring a change in their lives or help them to overcome considerable difficulties.

Numbers are present everywhere -- be it a date, a mark sheet or an electricity bill. There can be no number that can change the phase of an individual's life. It is said that if you look for a certain number believing it to be lucky for you, you will tend to find it everywhere. But if you start looking for a different number altogether, you will find that one everywhere too! So what is the difference between both the numbers?

Every number holds a certain form of energy that can have a direct impact on the success or failure of an individual. You need to connect with an expert Numerologist who will explain everything in detail. Download a numerology app and have your queries addressed.

The main point to ponder over is that if people do not believe in the power of numbers, why is it that many buildings intentionally skip the number 13 while numbering their floors? Why is it that after number 12 they choose to name the next floor 14th if they are so sure that numbers have no special powers at all?

This indicates that while people claim that numerology is not authentic, they choose to follow the beliefs associated with numbers. This is why the number 7 is considered a spiritual number and the number 13 is associated with negativity. To know more about the power of numbers, you must explore the best numerology app in the market and consult an expert in numerology.

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