Someone Need To Face Their Darkness If They Want Embrace Their Personal Power? - 2 minutes read


Does Someone Need To Face Their Darkness If They Want Embrace Their Personal Power?

✳In general, there are feelings that are seen as "good" and feelings that are seen as being "bad". As a result of this, it can be normal for someone to deny certain feelings and to embrace others.

✳To go one step further, they could view themselves as a "good" person who only experiences "good" feelings. For example, they could see themselves as someone who is always happy, friendly and accepting of others.


Both Ways

✳Along with this, most of the people in their life could also have a very similar view of them. If one was to experience "bad" feelings and their behaviour was to change, these people are likely to be very surprised.

✳Some of these people could think that one is in a very bad place and they might hope that they soon go back to how they were before. Some of them might even prefer to keep their distance for a while.

✳Living in Denial

Now, regardless of whether one is in this position or just does what they can to avoid "bad" feelings, these feelings won't have completely disappeared. They will no longer be aware of them but that doesn't mean that they will no longer be part of their consciousness.

✳The feelings that they don't allow themselves to acknowledge and deny as soon as they enter their conscious awareness will be held in another part of their being. Their unconscious mind/body will contain both the feelings and the parts of themselves that they have rejected.

✳Living on the Surface

To avoid this other part of their being, they will need to stay out of their body and to live in their head. If they were to connect to their body, they might soon come into contact with inner material that they would rather avoid.

✳To stop this inner material from entering their conscious mind, there is likely to be numerous defences that have automatically been put in place.

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