Creating Consistency by Putting Employee Culture First - 3 minutes read

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In the days before the internet and easy access to online reviews, there was really only one way to judge if a business was worth frequenting: word-of-mouth recommendations from family and friends. If a product or service was great, then would tell their circle about the business, and new patrons would follow.

These days, it’s easy enough for a customer to leave a review online, whether it’s positive or negative. So how does a small business stay on top?

Aligned Modern Health in Chicago’s West Loop neighborhood is an integrated health and wellness practice, specializing in non-surgical and non-drug healthcare, including chiropractic, acupuncture, nutrition, and massage therapy. They consistently get highly rated reviews from their patients, and there are a few reasons why.

At the top of the list is their ability to offer multiple types of physical therapy and healing all under one roof. Reviewer Atiya S. said that is one of the first things that drew her to the practice. “I do acupuncture really often, and I was really shocked to find a location that offered all of these different components that I would need for healing my body. The fact that I could get them all in one place was really impressive to me and really stood out among other places that I was looking for.”

This all-inclusive healing spot came together organically, according to Director of Digital Marketing Elizabeth Sexton. “The big picture for Aligned Modern Health came from four friends who had all fallen in love with individual holistic modalities. They came together and realized that there wasn't one healthcare company that was doing it all. So their goal was to provide all of these services in an organized and elevated way—and to also make it more accessible to people under one roof.”

Not every small business can be all things to all people, and that’s not what Aligned Modern Health does. However, they do offer as much as they can while keeping with their main mission: offering the highest standards of care with a range of treatment options.

While their services may be top-notch and include multiple options for patients, one of the real reasons they garner so many positive reviews is their culture. Atiya said, “I think that their comradery with each other really builds this culture with the patients of, we're here for you completely, not just for your injury. Getting treatment can be a really scary thing for people. It can be a really sensitive issue, and they just make you feel so comfortable the minute you walk through the door.”

Your company’s culture spills over to your customers, whether you know them personally or not. Remember that anyone who interacts with your business, even if just for a one-time visit, has the ability to leave some kind of review. Aligned Modern Health has a great way to encourage reviews without asking for them.

“Right behind the reception desk, they have a sign where they blow up a review. I think it's the review of the week. It's really cool to see other people have their reviews up there, and you're like, wow, this place is doing for so many people what they're doing for me. And then you also kind of want your review to be up there too,” said Atiya.

It’s easy to build up your word-of-mouth marketing if you follow Aligned Modern Health’s prescription for success:

Listen to the episode below to hear directly from Atiya and Elizabeth, and subscribe to Behind the Review for more from new business owners and reviewers every Thursday.

Source: Entrepreneur

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