The Keurig Special Edition K-Cafe dropped to $150 on Amazon - 2 minutes read

The Keurig Special Edition K-Cafe dropped to $150 on Amazon

Only one thing beats a good cup of coffee: a good cup of coffee that you don't have to brew yourself. Keurig's popular pod machines can help with that, and today the Keurig Special Edition K-Cafe is $150Remove non-product link, a big drop from a list price of $200.

This machine makes single servings of a wide range of coffee types, from regular coffees to lattes to cappuccinos—all with help from K-Cup pods, from Starbucks to Dunkin' Donuts to untold numbers in between. Built-in buttons allow you to choose sizes, strength and drink types, as well as if you want a concentrated coffee shot for specialty drinks. An included dishwasher-safe frother allows you to froth the milk type of your choice, and a "cold" option helps you make iced drinks.

You can certainly get a cheaper Keurig, but this full-featured model is a hit on Amazon, with 4.4 stars out of 5 across nearly 1,500 reviews.


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