New JetBlue Schedule Extension for 2020 Spring Travel - 2 minutes read

New JetBlue Schedule Extension for 2020 Spring Travel

A new JetBlue schedule extension has arrived and will let you book some great travel for the 2020 spring timeframe – including spring break and the Boston Marathon!

Another JetBlue schedule extension has arrived and it is perfect for those that were wanting to book travel for spring break – or the Boston Marathon!

Unlike other airlines around the world, Southwest and JetBlue releases their schedules for flight bookings in blocks of time instead of a rolling schedule. That means that every couple/few months, the date that you can book up to is pushed out a little more. When this happens, it can be a great time to lock in the flights that you need for that new period – especially when it involves holiday travel.

For the Boston Marathon, this is a great schedule extension. The registration period does not open until September but if you cleared your qualifying time by at least 10 minutes, you are all set and can likely book ahead of the crowd! Boston is a big focus city for JetBlue so you can fly there from around the US – even on the JetBlue Mint flights from the West Coast

The new JetBlue schedule extension is here now and bookable all the way through April 28, 2020. That is a good chunk of additional calendar space, making it 289 days of JetBlue flights you can now book.

This moves it past the old February date and is quite a bit more exciting than that last extension! So, get booking! I always enjoy flying JetBlue from the great treatment onboard as well as the comfortable seats and live TV entertainment. I know I am not alone in that!


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JetBlueJetBlueSpring breakBoston MarathonJetBlueSpring breakBoston MarathonJetBlueHolidayBoston MarathonBostonFocus cityJetBlue MintWest Coast of the United StatesCalendarJetBlueJetBlue