How to Use Your Calendar Like GPS - 1 minute read

How to Use Your Calendar Like GPS

This author breaks down how he perceives time and offers insight on how to maximize it.

Steven Griffith is an author of The Time Cleanse and performance expert on the connection between time, productivity and performanc. In this video, he talks about his perception of time and promotes his techniques and habits that not only minimize some of the most common distractions we face, but also help maximize the return on the time we invest.

Griffith and The Playbook host David Meltzer discuss the importance of the pragmatic calendar and the detrimental effects that technology has on our lives in terms of productivity. They share their perspectives on strategies they use to prevent the phone from wasting their time, the distinction between goals and intentions, and the beneficial impact that sleep and meditation have on your productivity.

Related: Why Discipline Is the Ultimate Cheat Code for Life


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Global Positioning SystemProductivityDavid MeltzerPragmatismCalendarCausalityTechnologyProductivity improving technologiesPoint of view (philosophy)TimeGoalIntentionSocial influenceMeditationProductivityCheating in video games