Improve your efficiency and productivity with this highly rated scheduling software - 3 minutes read

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Goodbye 2021 — now there’s a year most of us are glad to have behind us — and hello to 2022. It’s a new year, and along with that comes the making of resolutions. Yes, there are the usuals … lose weight, exercise more, quit bad habits, learn new skills… but another that makes the top 10 list of self-promises is to become more organized, and that’s where this scheduling app can help make a big difference.

We used to have to write everything down, back when we’d quickly scrawl in birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, everything we knew about ahead of time. And then by February, it would often sit somewhere on our desks, the rest of the year silently waiting to be filled, or rather unfulfilled, with appointments, task lists, and other important dates. Of course, life these days has changed. Beyond practically everything being on-line, many of us are working remotely, requiring us to connect with our colleagues virtually. The who, what, and where of our daily activities are more difficult than ever to keep track of.

Probooking is an app designed to ensure that you “get” to your appointment on time, even if that means simply clicking on a link. Both your professional and personal bookings are automatically synced to your Google calendar, ensuring that there are no conflicts or overlaps.

The software allows you to customize the look of your booking page and your appointment emails with your brand logo, font, and colors. Whether you are scheduling a one-on-one meeting or a group session, Probooking will send a reminder to the participants and then follow up with a feedback survey or a thank you email afterwards. Either you or your invitee can easily cancel or reschedule.

It’s been said that “working hard is not the same as working smart.” Probooking is just one way to achieve the latter while minimizing the former. Time management is key to your efficiency and productivity. Normally valued at over $1,200, with coupon code PROBOOK10, a lifetime subscription to this appointment scheduling app can be yours for only $87.30. That’s an additional 10 percent off our already discounted price. With a near perfect rating from AppSumo and rave reviews such as “This might be the best purchase I have ever made so far. I was looking for this solution literally for months, nothing beats Probooking …” get yours today and fulfill your New Year’s resolution.

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Source: VentureBeat

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