Got a Coupon For That College Course? Marketing Gimmicks Come To Higher Ed - 1 minute read

"A decade ago, it would have been hard to imagine a college handing out coupons or running limited-time offers ," notes the education site EdSurge. "College was something you applied to get into, and entered with a seriousness of intent to complete."But now, writes long-time Slashdot reader jyosim ....Udemy's algorithm "favors courses with more students," points out EdSurge, "so professors have an incentive to encourage bulk registration" (during periods when courses are free or discounted). And the stakes are high. 19 instructors made more than $1 million last year, Udemy's CEO notes.And a result of this competion, he adds, is that a whopping 63% of their top 1,800 courses had been updated in just the last 90 days — "to make the content better and better over time so they get more views and they make more money."EdSurge adds:


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