Simple digital strategies to take your business to the next level - 1 minute read

Targeted SMS

It’s no surprise that the most effective way to get a message to a large number of people in an instant is well… via message. Text message to be more specific. According to recent data, 92% of people read their texts within the first three minutes of receiving them. With that in mind, investing in an SMS service is an effective and simple way to let your customers know about all the promotions, discounts or sale alerts you may have coming up.

The beauty of this kind of marketing lies in the fact that there’s no fancy pants technology required. All you need is access to the internet. You can write your message, send it to a specialised SMS bulk provider and sit back while they do all the rest. Not sure which provider to go with? Websites like SMS Comparison provide all the info for you, including pricing and reliability. Just keep in mind that people don’t enjoy being spammed or contacted with irrelevant info, so have a long think about what you want to say, when you want to say it, and why.

Source: Mashable

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