How Sarah McNally, Seasoned Bookseller, Spends Her Sundays - 1 minute read

How Sarah McNally, Seasoned Bookseller, Spends Her Sundays

SCRAPS We move along to lunch at BBar on the Bowery. Jasper gets a burger, I order eggs and eat his potatoes. Just scraps. I’ve been a vegetarian for 20 years. At lunchtime I subsist largely off his vegetarian scraps.

AFTERNOON TEA I make and drink enormous amounts of green tea all day. Gallons. It’s ideal because I’m really clumsy and — unlike coffee or black tea — I can just spill it and no one ever knows. Very few places serve decent green tea. It’s where coffee was 30 years ago — largely disgusting. So we go to this really fun Japanese grocery store called Dainobu and get my favorite loose leaf tea. Everything’s in Japanese. Jasper gets Hi-Chew candies and pop soda. Crazy pop soda called Ramune that’s also kind of a toy.

Source: The New York Times

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HamburgerEgg as foodPotatoVegetarianismVegetarianismTea (meal)Green teaCoffeeBlack teaGreen teaCoffeeJapanese cuisineGrocery storeTeaJapanese cuisineHi-ChewCandyRamune