Steven Moreno Champion In WTT Lignano, Italy. - 1 minute read

(By: Edgardo Vazquez)

STEVEN MORENO obtains the championship in the WTT IN LIGNANO, ITALY.

Steven Joel Moreno won the Championship in the Men’s U-13 category by beating his compatriot Enrique Yezué Ríos in the final match of the WTT Youth Contender Lignano 2022 with partials of 3-1 and scores of 11-7, 11-9, 8- 11 and 11-9. On the way to the final Steven finished undefeated in the group stage, Steven beating Lowis Volger 3-0 (Switzerland) and Giulio Campagna 3-1 (Italy).

In the single elimination phase in the first round he obtained a bye, in the second.  round Steven beat Youssef Aidli of Tunisia 3-0, in four-finals Steven defeated Chen Kai – Cheng of Chinese Taipei 3-0.

In the semifinals Steven defeated Italian Danilo Dmitri Faso 3-2 with partials of 6-11, 11-7, 11-6, 5-11 and 12-10.

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Congratulations to Steven and his coach Edgardo Vazquez both teams Butterfly Bowmar Sport for the championship. We continue on the winning path.

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Source: Butterfly Online | Butterfly Table Tennis