


🙋Fitness Freak, đŸ’ȘGym Workouts, Eat Green VegetablesđŸ‘©đŸ„Š #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #loseweight #ketorecipes #ketosis
Skills and Interests

gym trainer yoga Teacher & motivational Speaker.
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 1 year ago
Say Goodbye to Frustrating Diet Cycles with ALIVE's Unique Formula
Many people who have tried to lose weight have experienced the frustrating cycle of losing weight only to give in to cravings and gain it back. This cycle is often caused by traditional weight loss methods and "fad" diets that do not support the production of the neurotra...continued
Alive 336x280 v3
2 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 1 year ago
ALIVE: The Only Supplement That Supports Dopamine Production for Sustainable Weight Loss
ALIVE is a revolutionary weight loss supplement that stands out from the rest because it specifically targets the key to sustainable weight loss: dopamine production in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for transmitting messages between nerve c...continued
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2 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 1 year ago
"Revolutionary Weight Loss Supplement Targets the Brain for Success!"
The new weight loss supplement, ALIVE, is breaking new ground in the world of weight loss by targeting the real key to successful weight loss: the brain. Many traditional weight loss methods and "fad" diets fail because they do not support the production of a neurotransmi...continued
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2 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 1 year ago
The Role of Mindfulness in Weight Loss
Mindfulness, or the practice of bringing your attention to the present moment, can be a powerful tool in your weight loss journey. Research has shown that mindfulness can help reduce cravings, improve self-control, and increase overall well-being. Here are a few ways that...continued
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6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 1 year ago
5 Habits to Help You Stay on Track with Your Weight Loss Goals
Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is crucial for weight loss, as it helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied, can help boost your metabolism, and can even help flush out toxins from your body. Aim to drink at least 8-10 cups of water per day, and consider carrying ...continued
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2 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 1 year ago
5 Tips for Successful Weight Loss After 30
As women age, it can become more difficult to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Hormonal changes, busy schedules, and other factors can all contribute to weight gain. However, it is still possible to achieve weight loss goals at any age with the right mindset and...continued
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4 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - almost 2 years ago
These 15 Minutes Workouts Help Women Over 50 Melt 22 Pounds In 30Days [Case Study]
Body: Hey, how are you?You know me, I am always interested in learning new stuff so a few days ago I found this incredible case study... and I can’t wait to share the results with you.1000 Women over 50 did one of these easy 15 minutes workouts on their empty stomach and ...continued
1 minute read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
10 Ways To Stop Tinnitus Using Home Remedies To Try Right NOW!
You don't need me to tell you that finding a cure for tinnitus can be a very challenging experience mainly because it is so hard to determine why you are hearing these crazy sounds in your head that no-one else can. It is enough to drive anyone up the wall! While finding ...continued
Natural treatment for tinnitus
7 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
Diet And Exercising For Weight Loss
Obesity is now being called an epidemic in the health community. In fact, it will soon be the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, even ahead of cigarette smoking. Obesity leads to type two diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke, and ev...continued
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6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
Real Weight Loss Solutions
Much of the weight loss industry likes to focus on overweight Americans. That’s where the money is for them. But the truth is, much of the world is overweight, too.Studies showed that in 2000, 45% of adults all over the world were overweight. Overweight people are more li...continued
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2 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
Weight Loss Supplements Buying Tips
America spends $50 billion every year on weight-loss programs and diet pills. Unfortunately, 22% of this goes to fake weight loss products.More and more people are facing the problem of obesity and a lot of them are resorting to weight loss supplements. While some people ...continued
Weightloss supplements
3 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
How To Lose Weight With Zone Diet
As one of the newer diets on the market, the Zone Diet is rapidly taking hold as one of the best and most popular. Like many on the market, the Zone Diet is the result of many years of intense study into the way the human body uses the food sources it is given. Through th...continued
2 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
Permanent Weight Loss Solutions
There are many people who attempt to lose weight, some will succeed and others will fail, however, the biggest battle for people who are able to reduce their weight, is often to keep to their ideal weight. Many people will find that they have soon returned to the weight t...continued
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6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
Easy To Follow Weight Loss Tips
Achieving weight loss is not that easy. It needs a good strategy, planning, and motivation to lose weight. Some of the weight loss tips, which can be followed at ease, are listed here to stay healthy as well as to stay fit with a perfect body figure.Eating the right way h...continued
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6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
Natural Pain Relief: 1466% stronger by MIT Discovery | Natural way to weightloss without Exercise
This special investigative report is a must-watch for anyone who has wasted their hard-earned money on OTCs, Opiates, or CBD products that don’t work
 only to be left disappointed and still in pain. Why?Because this “investigative report” is reshaping the natural “Pain-Re...continued
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1 minute read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
7 Steps to Health: Reverse Your Diabetes
Because high blood glucose levels make it difficult to stave off infection, a diabetic with a sore on their foot must be treated differently than a person without diabetes. The sore may be very slow to heal if it heals at all. Infection often sets in. This can lead to gan...continued
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3 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
Walking Your Way to Weight Loss Fast
For one of the most enjoyable and simple ways to exercise walking is hard to beat. Take a friend along and begin on your program to get weight loss fast. Walking uses the whole body and so lots of muscles are used which will strip those calories both during the exercise a...continued
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6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
90 Percent of people have no clue this method exists - Extreme Weight Loss Fast
Your average weight loss plan focuses on losing 1 - 2 pounds per week as this is what is considered safe for your average person. In some situations, it's possible to lose more weight in a shorter period of time, particularly for people who are very overweight. In this ar...continued
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3 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
Healthy Weight Loss Fast - Easy Tips to Lose Weight Fast
It's possible to lose weight fast. But there are some basic things you need to do to be successful.Setting Your GoalsIt's important to make a commitment and dedicate yourself to losing weight. If you do, you have a much better chance of completing your goal. Tell your fam...continued
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2 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - over 2 years ago
Weight Loss Fast Quick and Easy Forever
Have you ever searched the Internet for how to lose weight fast? I am sure you have and that is how you came across my article. There are many people out there who have read somewhere that weight loss is just a matter of cutting out junk food and switching to a low-calori...continued
3 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - almost 3 years ago
I look and feel like a new woman!
I don't know what I would have done without this help. It's been a week since I completed the basic Acne No More program and my skin is perfect. Not only that... I lost 22 pounds and I look and feel like a new woman.Prior to this program, I bought hundreds of different fa...continued
Vicky 17
1 minute read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - almost 3 years ago
Acne Diet Link Exposed: Is There an Acne Cure Diet that Works?
ï»żAcne Diet and The Money Factor: You Can't Sell a Healthy DietAsk any medical doctor if there is a connection between diet and acne and almost all of them will claim there is none. Quoting from the Journal of the American Medical Association: "Diet plays no role in acne t...continued
Acne no more
9 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - about 3 years ago
Diabetes And Your Heart
Diabetes is one condition that must be treated as soon as it is diagnosed, even though in its early stages it doesn’t hurt, or cause inconvenience, or create any worrisome symptoms. But ignoring it is a mistake, because the blood sugar imbalance we diabetics live with can...continued
Homescreen 3rd reversediabetes2
1 minute read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - about 3 years ago
Get Rid Of Your Diabetes
Today, there are at least 20 million people living with diabetes in America and the sad part is that it is possible to prevent and heal pre-diabetes and diabetes type 2 naturally with balanced nutrition, and basic exercise.People at risk of getting the disease drop by a s...continued
Homescreen 3rd reversediabetes2
5 minutes read
6904a583ea2edb88a9a22f6938e1ed06 Health @health_bdy - about 3 years ago
Discover How a Simple ‘3 Second Sunrise Ritual’ Helped Me To Lose 47 Pounds and Changed Our Lives
Hey, Betley and Andrew Here and We Want to Share Our Story
one that has led us to the long-standing and authentic health that we now enjoy. If the journey we went through taught us something, it’s that the true cause of our excess weight really had nothing to do with tr...continued
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5 minutes read