The Best diet to lose a lot of weight fast - 4 minutes read


Here is what most of my clients do.

We use a meal replacement, which replaces breakfast and dinner. I won’t tell you the name of the product as I’m a shitty salesman and don’t really like doing that anyway. You can message me if you really wanna know and are serious about it.

Lunch is a normal meal, but low carb. That’s important, as you’ll see later.

The meal replacement product has fiber to keep them full, protein to retain (or increase) lean body mass, enzymes, and coenzymes for fat burning as well as vitamins and minerals. It has no artificial sweeteners and zero sugar.

It’s the best fat loss product I’ve ever seen, and trust me, I’ve seen a ton of shitty ones.

If you don’t want to put in so much effort and need a faster way, I will invite you to read this article and try this weight loss product. It’s 100% natural and will accelerate your weight process. Click Here to Try it today

For example:

This is the disaster known as “smile fats”, but it might leave you frowning at your scale.

Has a bit of fiber, some protein…but 25 grams of carbs with NINETEEN grams of sugar?

Almost half the calories are from sugar!!

Sugar is the third ingredient after water!

Look at the bottom…even with ALL THAT SUGAR, they are STILL using sweeteners!

Your bloodstream has about FOUR grams of sugar, total. Dumping all that sugar into it is a recipe for disaster. It’ll spike your blood sugar to the moon.

Who the f*ck designed this?

Don’t even get me started about herlabife!

Anyway, rant over…for now!

If you would like to know more about Diet to help you get fit in no time, be sure to Click Here

Here are the results of one client. They are in Chinese because it’s a Chinese app that we use to track it.

Because you likely can’t read this, I’ll kindly translate :)

The leftmost number is simple:

天(tian)=days 用=use 时=time

37 days since using the product/plan.

The middle number is a bit trickier:

公斤(gongjin)=kilogram 减(jian)=subtract 重(zhong)=weight

Weight Loss: 11.8kg

The Chinese sometimes also use 500g to measure things, called a 斤(jin), which can make things confusing. Sometimes someone says they have a 260 deadlift and I’m super impressed until I realize it’s 130kg and just…pretty good.

The right number is:

公斤 and 减 which you already know, and 脂(zhi)=fat

Fat Loss: 13.8kg

Yes, 5 weeks and this woman lost almost 14kg of fat, while gaining lean mass.

The normal protocol is quite simple.

Most of my clients are in the 90–130kg range and 30–60% body fat, so they really just need to get used to burning fat. Once they are in that fat-burning zone, they are fine. They have so much energy to utilize that they won’t be hungry after day two or three. They’ll feel awesome.

If you are 5% body fat and almost stage-ready, your hunger cravings are PHYSICAL. Your body thinks it’s dying and is incentivizing you to find food so that you can pass on your genes. You NEED to diet slowly or you’ll lose muscle.

If you would like to know more about Diet to help you get fit in no time, be sure to Click Here

If you are 50% body fat, the situation is totally different. Once you are in fat burning mode, you can basically push as hard as you want. You have so much energy that sometimes the better you push, the better you feel. If you have any cravings after that transitional few days, they are BEHAVIORAL.

But if you have carbs again, you’ll get cravings, because you don’t handle insulin well-likely the reason for the high body fat in the first place. This is the reason that obese people almost overwhelmingly respond better to low-carb diets, even keto.

For activity or working out, I just tell them to stay active and do whatever they want. Some have set workout plans in the gym that I write, but the woman who lost 14kg didn’t do anything planned at all-she felt so full of energy that she walked a lot more, and then later she bought some dumbbells to do arm workouts at home.

It’s a pleasure working with clients like that. It really is.

A meal replacement is just an easy and convenient way to get and stay in a caloric deficit.

If you would like to know more about my secret weight loss technic for free, be sure to Click Here