Introducing Jiggle Physics, a new Android Central Podcast side quest - 3 minutes read

Introducing Jiggle Physics, a new Android Central Podcast side quest

I haven't been here since the beginning, but since coming on as Managing Editor in 2016 I've seen Android Central evolve into a site whose name belies its true aspirations. Android Central covers a lot more than just Android — and yes, we know that annoys a bunch of you — and it's given me immense pleasure to see that transformation in real time.

One area we've put a ton of work into is gaming, and PlayStation 4 in particular (iMore covers Nintendo Switch and Windows Central covers Xbox). We began covering PlayStation as an experiment — would people actually want to read a fresh take on gaming news, help and how-tos, and reviews, from a relatively unknown group of people? The answer turned out to be an assured yes, so we grew the team, added a bunch of talent, and doubled down on coverage.

Which is why I'm so proud to announce Jiggle Physics, an Android Central Podcast side quest. It's a podcast about gaming, told the way only Android Central can — with frank discussion, a bunch of humor, and hosted by incredibly smart people.

Unlike the Android Central podcast proper, it'll be an occasional show, so don't expect it in your feed every week. The format may also change as we evolve the show based on your feedback, which we'd love to get down below in the comments, or at

This week's episode introduces host Russell Holly, along with writers Jennifer Locke (PlayStation lead here at Android Central), Carli Velocci (editor across Mobile Nations), and Rebecca Spear (Nintendo Switch writer for iMore).

Every episode is going to be a little different, including folks from other Mobile Nations sites and well beyond, but one thing each episode will always do is end with a quick note on what we're playing right now. Though, one quick note for this week, the game Carli Velocci references is actually called Erica, which you can learn more about here.

As always, your feedback on the show and its content is deeply appreciated, so please don't hesitate to shout if you have something to say!


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Nobel Prize in PhysicsAndroid (operating system)PodcastQuest (video gaming)Android (operating system)Android (robot)Android (operating system)Video gamePlayStation 4IMoreNintendo SwitchMicrosoft WindowsXbox (console)PhysicsAndroid (operating system)PodcastQuest (video gaming)PodcastAndroid (operating system)Smart PeopleAndroid (operating system)PodcastPlayStationAndroid (operating system)Mobile phoneNintendo SwitchIMore