America: There Will Be Blood - 7 minutes read

America: There Will Be Blood

“THERE WILL BE BLOOD” - Date: June 23, 2019

“Islam is a belief of blood. It lives and thrives on blood. It can be animal blood, enemy blood or even its own blood.

“Unless our government sees the handwriting on the wall and deals with it accordingly, before very long, America will have to turn its deed over to the new Muslim invaders or rebel and fight block by block, city by city.

“That’s when There Will Be Blood.”


The Muslims’ killing campaign did not end with their defeat at the gates of Vienna. Jihadism never changes. The long history of violent Islam speaks for itself. It’s a major reason that explains why Eastern European citizens do not accept mass immigration of Muslim societies with the same kind of “tolerance” demanded by the elitist governments of Western Europe. Their fury is slowly reaching a boiling point.

Their eviction from Spain was a temporary forced retreat. But now Muslims have, in huge numbers, penetrated the gates of every city and town in Europe and North America without even having to use their swords.

Worried by the Muslims’ trouble-making and killing sprees, civilized nations in both Western Europe and Northern America, are bending over backward in hope of placating them to join the family of humanity by admitting hordes of immigrants and offering them all manners of hospitality and assistance. All these gestures remain in vain and to no avail. Many of the new arrivals, deeply infected by their Islamic indoctrination and ethos, find it impossible to assimilate in any host countries. Instead, they strive to impose their defunct order which is the cause of their own misery, backwardness and inhumanity on the host nations.

The non-Muslim world is at its wits’ end. No accommodation or kindness seems to stem the tide of Islamic violence. Countless numbers of proposals have been advanced in dealing with this systemic Islamic disorder. Some feel that, in general, Muslims are law-abiding citizens of their adopted countries and it is only a minority that is responsible for the violence and mayhem. Thinking along these lines has prompted people to say that the solution to Islamic violence rests with Islamic leaders. That is, Islamic leaders should speak up and condemn jihad and jihadists.

Western armchair theorizers and wishful thinkers need to take time and study Islamic history and its system of belief in order to avoid making demands on Muslim leaders–demands that will never be met because they are completely unrealistic.

Islam presently has its stranglehold on over a billion humans, posing an existential threat to all non-Muslims. When this billion and a half adhere to the pathological belief of Islam and use it as their marching orders of life, the rest of humanity ignores this threat at its peril.

Islam, yet again, has risen from the ashes and is on a campaign of conquest throughout the world. Hordes of fanatical Islamic foot soldiers are striving to kill and get killed. What they all want is the opportunity to discharge their homicidal-suicidal impulses, on their way to Allah’s promised glorious paradise. And in the background, granting the foot soldiers’ wishes, are their handlers, the puppeteers, who pull the strings and detonate these human bombs. Those who cherish life must recognize these emissaries of death — what makes them, what motivates them, and how best to defend against them.

America, with a long tradition of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. There is a glimmer of hope that the American people are waking up to the deceit and the menace of the creed called Islam. Their opposition to the building of the mosque at Ground Zero and their numerous objections to building mosques reveals that the creeping Islamization of America is indeed something to stand against and prevent before it is too late.

As more and more Muslims arrive in America, as they reproduce with great fecundity, as they convert the disenchanted and minorities, and as petrodollar-flush Muslims and Muslim treasuries supply generous funds, they gather more power to mount a serious challenge to the American system of governance—representative democracy. As for our Constitution, Muslims have no use for it at all. Muslims believe that Allah’s rule must govern the world in the form of a Caliphate—a theocracy. Making a mockery of our system of law, subverting its workings, and ignoring its provisions is a Muslim’s way of falsifying what he already believes to be a sinful and false system of governance invented by infidels.

Very few of us have been sounding the alarm for decades about the ever-increasing menace Islam is posing to America and our way of life. Apathy, political correctness, and massive Islamic lobbying have successfully prevented the public from truly grasping the all-pervasive Islamic assault.

Time and again we are told by the politically correct “experts” not to worry about Islam posing a threat to our way of life. We’re also told, not to worry about the horrific things that are happening on the other side of the world! If Muslims act heinously toward non-Muslims, it is just the way things are in those countries and it is hardly any of our business. This is the same attitude that set the Islamization of Europe on a seemingly irreversible track. One European country one after another is rapidly buckling under the weight of Islamism.

With heavy assurances like this, coming from so many know-it-all authoritative figures, we can relax and not worry. Yet, the Islam problem is very real and deadly. Neither the pronouncements of the experts, nor the any relaxation of the mind can make it go away. Islam will continue its bloody conquest.

Islam is a belief of blood. It lives and thrives on blood. It can be animal blood, enemy blood or even its own blood. Unless our government sees the handwriting on the wall and deals with it accordingly, before very long, America will have to turn its deed over to the new Muslim invaders or rebel and fight block by block, city by city. That’s when There Will Be Blood.

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