Lose belly fat? Put this food on the menu more often - Khalories - 4 minutes read

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Do you want to lose some summer kilos? Then these 8 foods can help.

About 90% of our total body fat is subcutaneous, also called subcutaneous fat. The remaining 10 to 15% is the abdominal or visceral fat. This fat is more commonly known as 'belly fat' because it is located around your abdomen and vital organs. Visceral fat is one of the most dangerous types of fat: it exerts pressure not only on the abdominal wall but also on various organs, such as the liver, stomach, intestines, and kidneys. The good news is that with regular exercise and a balanced diet, visceral fat is the easiest type of fat to lose. For example, you would do well to limit your sugar intake, but also by putting the following foods on your menu more often.

1. Avocados

Avocados are nutritious fruits rich in fiber and unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. A toast with avocado for breakfast does not spike your blood sugar or insulin levels - as is often the case with other (sugar-rich) breakfast options such as cornflakes or sweet bread spreads. Avocados also contain antioxidants, which fight inflammation and protect you from belly fat.

2. Blueberries

With only 75 calories per 100 grams, blueberries are one of the most concentrated sources of anthocyanins. These blue-purple healthy dyes fight inflammation, regulate glucose levels, and avoid elevated insulin levels - all things that have a direct effect on your belly fat.

3. Edamame

Edamame and other legumes, such as lentils and chickpeas, are high in soluble fiber and resistant starch, a prebiotic that feeds the good bacteria called probiotics in your gut. Products rich in resistant starch also play an important role if you want to lose weight, because they make you feel full and improve insulin sensitivity.

4 eggs

Eggs are rich in protein and low in calories. The proteins give you a feeling of satiety, require more energy to digest than carbohydrates and fats, do not give a peak in your blood sugar level, and promote muscle building and recovery.

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Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and sardines, increase the presence of adiponectin in the blood. This hormone plays a role in the processing of fat and glucose. The higher the concentration of adiponectin, the more fat you burn.

6. Fermented Food

A healthy gastrointestinal system has many benefits: smoother digestion, better mental health, faster weight loss, ... . In addition, the bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract play an important role in the production of hormones that regulate our appetite and insulin sensitivity. Therefore, feed your gut with probiotics, fermented foods, such as kombucha, kimchi, kefir, and sauerkraut.

7. Green Tea

Catechins in green tea are powerful antioxidants that can positively stimulate your microbiome and slow down carbohydrate digestion and absorption. For example, active people who drink green tea regularly have an average of 7% less body fat than those who don't drink tea, according to a study that was published in The Journal of Nutrition.

8. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain high concentrations of carotenoids: red, orange, and yellowish antioxidants that have a positive influence on total body fat. In addition, they are also a suitable source of resistant starch and therefore play an important role in your gut health, insulin levels, and that stubborn belly fat.

Lose fat by eating? Yes, as long as it's the right diet.

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