The time to lose weight is now! - 2 minutes read

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After giving birth at the age of 24, my body recovered on its own. My pre-pregnancy weight came back with no problem. My thighs widened and rounded and I was in perfect shape. The same thing happened after my second pregnancy, two years later. But the same miracle did not occur after my third pregnancy, at age 32.

I was eating irresponsibly like always hoping my weight would go away on its own like the other two times. That didn't do me any good. My youngest son was 6 months old and my excess weight kept increasing (people even thought she was a quarter pregnant). My youngest son was always restless, he hardly gave me a break and wanted me to hold him all the time. She was always busy with the kids and with my husband at work and stressed. So that pushed me to eat sweet, breaded, and salty foods repeatedly, like in a cycle. It was a pig. My slightest movements made me sweat and my heart beat uncontrollably.

I weighed 105 kg when I caught my husband looking at the girls walking past him. I couldn't even blame him at the time, what could I expect from him when even I hated looking at myself? I avoided looking at myself when I passed the mirror, not to mention how I avoided undressing in front of it... I hid in the children's room and slept in our youngest son's bed with candy.

I went to a dietitian who had me try the keto diet. The main idea of ​​a keto diet is that the body should go into a fat-burning phase while eating only fatty and protein foods with hardly any carbohydrates. Turns out that's exactly what I like to eat, so it wasn't too hard. Everything was going well until day 5 when something the dietitian called the "keto-flu" stopped me. Symptoms included fatigue, nausea, brain fog, and headaches that even the strongest painkillers couldn't relieve. And it was hard enough trying to rest with 3 kids.

My dietitian recommended the additive KetoBullet to speed up and ease my keto diet. A coffee-like drink that I fell in love with. A cup of KetoBullet gave me as much energy as regular coffee every morning.


asllam187 commented on The time to lose weight is now! over 1 year ago

Weight lose without exercise and no side effects