Which Fruit Can You Eat With Type 2 Diabetes? Explanation + 13 Healthy Tips - 9 minutes read


If you have type 2 diabetes, and you want to watch your diet, you have to be careful with sugar in fruit.

Fortunately, there are plenty of fruits that don’t contain a lot of sugar and are even healthy if you have diabetes.

In this article, you will learn Which fruits should diabetics avoid and the 13 fruits a diabetic can eat, and how to do this in the healthiest way possible if you have diabetes.

You can eat this fruit with type 2 diabetes

Believe it or not, fruit is healthier than you think it is.

Yes, fruit contains vitamins and minerals in relatively high concentrations. This means that eating a piece of fruit provides more vitamins than most vegetables. But the bad sides of fruit are never talked about. Certainly not about the negative effects for diabetes patients.

It’s like this:

When you have type 2 diabetes, your body has trouble processing sugars. This is because something goes wrong with the hormone insulin. This substance normally ensures that when you eat something sweet, the sugars are neatly removed.

But when something goes wrong with this substance, excess sugar ends up in your bloodstream. Your blood flows throughout your body and passes through all your organs and tissues. That sugar-rich blood wreaks havoc wherever it passes.

It doesn’t matter which organ it is, whether it’s your kidneys or your eyes. Too much sugar destroys your body.

If you have diabetes, you better be very careful with how much sugar you eat.

Because the less you ingest, the less you will suffer from elevated blood sugar.

And the lower you keep it throughout the day, the more damage your body is saved. If you want to know what the consequences are if you do not adhere to this, all you have to do is read my article about the complaints and complications of type 2 diabetes.

But what does fruit have to do with this?

There is sugar in fruit

And not just a little. Fortunately, the amount of sugar varies per type of fruit.

And so you have control over how much sugar enters your blood, depending on which type of fruit you choose.

Soon I will give you an overview of the fruits with the least sugar.

But first you need to realize that every bit of sugar you ingest raises your blood sugar levels and can cause damage.

Keeping your blood sugar low — by eating as little sugar as possible — will save you the complications of type 2 diabetes. Taking your responsibility and eating as few sugary products as possible is much more important than which type of fruit you choose.

I can tell you that blueberries don’t contain that much sugar and are therefore safe. But if you buy two kilos of blueberries, process them in a concentrated jam and eat them in spoonfuls at the same time…. Then my advice has been for nothing.

This is what makes REAL fruit so healthy

Fruits are fruits that grow on trees or plants that you can pick and eat raw.

If there’s one more step before it hits your plate, you know it’s unhealthy, and you should avoid it like the plague.

That supermarkets are so nice to pick the fruit for you and put it on the shelves is OK. Every further step that gets between the fruit tree and your mouth makes it unhealthier. So eat only real fruit, fruit that has been picked and has not undergone any further processing.

This makes fruit healthier than products made from fruit

It’s not just the sugar.

While the amounts of sugar in jams and juices are enough to make an elephant go hyper, there is something else in unprocessed fruit that is good if you have diabetes. It’s not the skin, the extra “vitamins” or the heart or core of the fruit.

It’s the fibers.

The vitamins in fruit are a nice bonus. But what makes it healthy is the amount of fiber. The more fiber a piece of fruit contains, the healthier it is. Because the more full it makes you without giving you a lot of sugar and the more it helps control your blood sugar.

Click to Watch this simple video on: How to Cure/ Manage Diabetes Without Drugs

Sweeten wisely, eat an apple (and no more than one)

The fact that fruit contains fiber does not mean that you should only eat fruit from now on. Because it also contains sugars. And those two don’t cancel each other out.

If you eat a box of apples, you get the amount of sugars in a box of apples. It contains fiber, but the more sugar you ingest, the less difference those fibers make. Step one to stay healthy is to eat little sugar, and step two is to increase the amount of fiber you get.

Eating less sugar is easy. A little fruit is fine. Two pieces a day and no more. Unless it’s berries or small fruits. Two full hands a day is the maximum.

Some fruits contain more sugars than others. An apple contains 13 grams per 100 grams. An avocado less than 2 grams. An avocado is better for your sugar.

You can eat an apple just fine, but stick to one piece at a time. This should fill you up enough. Do you need more? Then eat more during dinner.

I’m putting fruits in here that you can eat as a snack. So no lemon. It contains little sugar and is therefore good if you have diabetes. But who spoons out a lemon for fun?

In addition, there are some savory fruits, such as coconut. This is a great substitute for sweet fruit.

#1: Apples

Apples are not very high in fiber. And in terms of sugars, they are relatively high: around 13 grams per 100 grams. Not the ideal fruit compared to what is possible.

But I want to be realistic. Many people like apples. They are easily available.

And it’s pretty much the first fruit people think of.

There are better fruits than apples and I’ll tell you about that in a moment. But an apple is better than a chocolate bar.

Stick to one or two little ones a day
Choose a different flavor every time
Go for a kind with a thick skin
Choose sour rather than sweet

#2: Avocado

There is 6.5 grams of fiber in avocado and hardly any sugar.

And it is very filling because it contains a lot of saturated fat. About 15 grams per 100 grams.

An avocado every now and then as a snack will do you good. And at least it contains no sugar.

#3: Blueberries

These are my favorite. Preferably fresh and otherwise frozen. Frozen blueberries taste a bit like mini ice creams that you can suck on for a while.

The natural dyes (antioxidants) in blueberries are good for your body. It is therefore an excellent alternative to other fruits.

And it contains relatively much fiber: 6.5 grams.

#4: Raspberries

With 7 grams of fiber, raspberries are high on my list. And it contains relatively little sugar, only 4 grams per 100 grams.

These are also available cold from the freezer compartment and are great to vacuum up.

#5: Green unripe bananas

Bananas are relatively low in fiber and high in sugars when ripe. But…. what if you eat bananas that are not fully ripe?

A banana that is on the verge of ripe is a bit firmer and contains more fiber. Not my favorite fruit but nice for the taste. If you eat this once a week, it’s a great change.

So the banana in the picture is NOT good. By green bananas I mean really green bananas. So not a whole banana with a hint of green here and there.

#6: Blueberries

These are on a par with blueberries, including all the benefits. They are a bit smaller, so you have to eat a lot of them to get full.

#7: Kiwi

The more acidic the kiwi, the less sugar. This fruit contains little fiber, but also not as much sugar if you choose a slightly sour variety.

#8: Orange

With about the same amount of sugar but 3.5 times as much fiber, oranges are a healthier choice than kiwi.

Don’t you dare squeeze it, just eat it like that.

Matter of peeling and going with that… orange.

#9: Coconut

There is hardly any sugar in this. Grated coconut is a tasty snack. The oil is healthy for frying and the water healthy for drinking. You can also eat and drink the cream and milk.

#10: Green mango

Ripe mango contains a lot of sugar and little fiber. So you better leave this one.

But green mango with some vinegar and salt is a common snack in South America. It is a bit sour and has a nice bite.

And because it contains less sugar (because the fruit is not ripe), it is a great alternative to ripe mango.

#11: Tomato

Did you know that tomato is officially not a vegetable, but a fruit? And that it only contains 2.5 grams of sugar per 100 grams? That’s not much.

When I was young, my mother always cut up some tomato wedges as a snack. This is an ideal food for curing type 2 diabetes because of its low sugar content. Give it a try.

#12: Olives

A tasty, filling snack with the minimum amount of sugar. This is a good substitute for fruits with more sugar.

It also helps to get rid of your p reference for sweet. The less sweet you eat, the less you get used to it and the less you need it.

#13: Cranberry

This is a fruit that is relatively new in the Netherlands. These berries contain substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect. So very healthy.

And you don’t have to worry about the amount of sugars either, with only 4 grams per 100 grams.

Dried cranberries are not allowed because they are… dried.

Reversing type 2 diabetes with fruit?

It has recently been discovered that it is possible to reverse type 2 diabetes. You can find everything you need in the supermarket. This also includes fruit.

You turn it around with one powerful method. It’s what I call “The Diabetes-Free Secret.” About this secret, I wrote a few pages that will change your life forever. You will learn in it:

Why You Got Type 2 Diabetes

What mechanism can you use to reverse diabetes

The best tips to be diabetes-free in a few weeks

Enter your best email address to get the Free E-Book, Click Here…


John Scott

P.s: which fruit do you eat with type 2 diabetes? Which fruits do you try to avoid as much as possible? Leave a comment below.

Originally published at https://khalories.com on September 7, 2021.