Money Making Ideas - How To Write eBook That Makes You Money - 3 minutes read

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Money Making Ideas - How To Write eBook That Makes You Money

The real secret of how to write eBook that makes you money is to stop focusing on the potential income. So many people never get their book written, because they worry about how to set the price, or how to secure the download, or many other technical issues.

Forget about all that. Those things are of no significant importance.

What matters is the content, and how fast you write it.

Write What People Want

Don't get any great ideas and hope to be the first to write about a specific topic. You'll end up as an author of a book that no one reads.

I often hear the argument: "But others have already written about that, so I can't", when I speak with people who want to write an ebook. They know a lot about a popular topic like cooking, but they give up beforehand, because "there are already so many books about cooking on the market".

Yes, there are. And do you want to know why? That's because books about cooking sell.

You should write a book that people want to buy, and if you find competition, it will only tell you that you're on the right way.

How Fast Can You Write Your Ebook?

Speed matters! Not only will you be able to get your book out there faster, and make money with it, but your writings will also improve.

Have you ever noticed how you sometimes stumble upon every word? And you keep going back to correct spelling errors or typos?

When you read through such a paragraph later, you'll probably find that this was not the best part of your book. But when you go over parts, where your hands almost couldn't keep up with your thoughts, that's where the text is fluent and agreeable to read.

Consider Giving Your Book Away

Let's skip one of the biggest hurdles on the road for an upcoming writer: the sales process. Instead of worrying about people, who could steel your unprotected ebook, or how to set up a script that can protect it, why don't you give your book away?

This is certainly a way to make money with it that is used by many Internet gurus. They will either gather names and addresses in return for their gift, or they add affiliate links to the book, and make money indirectly.

Focus on the important issue: how to write eBook that people want to read

Even if you haven't got a clue about how to write ebook, you can learn to do so in 48 hours. Or less. I did it myself after having learned the method in one hour and 22 minutes.

Do you think that was fast, or what?

Learn more


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