Seven tips to stop snoring at night - 3 minutes read

Statistics says that approximately 45% of the adult population snores at some point in their lives . Some of them for long periods of time. Snoring occurs when the air you breathe is obstructed in the back of your mouth and nose, where the beginning of the tongue coincides with the bell. When both collide, a vibration occurs and a sound is emitted that can be annoying to people who accompany snoring at night.

The causes of snoring are generally not serious . They can be due to the obstruction of the upper respiratory tract, a particularly low muscle tone in the neck muscles, especially in the phases of deep sleep, too developed tonsils, a bell too large or having a few extra pounds, especially in the abdominal area.

In any case, and given how annoying snoring can be, snoring people can make a number of changes in their lives that help them implement habits that can decrease their snoring. Here are some of them.

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Lose weight

Overweight people are more likely to snore. In addition, as the accumulation of fatty tissue and low muscle tone around the neck contribute to snoring, eating a healthy diet and losing excess pounds are one of the most effective remedies that exist.

Lose weight

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Sleep on your side

Sleeping face up promotes airway obstruction, so it is best to do this sideways, which allows air to flow more smoothly and reduces vibration.

Quit smoking and avoid alcohol at night

Tobacco irritates the airways, which increases the chance of snoring. As for alcohol, if you drink a lot at night, it promotes the muscles of the neck to relax even more and generate more vibrations and aggravate the annoying snores.

Raise your head

Sleeping with a pillow that is too soft can promote respiratory obstruction, so for people who tend to snore, it is best to use one that is harder and thicker.

Change the mattress if you are over ten years old

Ten years is the useful life of a mattress. From that point on, it supports the weight worse and becomes softer, which can cause the head to sink deeper and snore more.white, bed comforter, set, Bed, Hotel, Bedroom, Luxury, Travel, comfortable, motel

Use mandibular advance devices

One of the causes of snoring is that the tongue partially blocks the back of the neck when sleeping. In these cases, the mandibular advance device is very useful, which consists of a double splint, which advances the jaw a few millimetres, thus opening the airway.

The dilating nasal strips

They do not work in all cases, but by keeping a person's nose more open, it encourages the entry of air and prevents obstructions in the upper tracts.

Stop snoring now or allow the people close to you to sleep CLICK HERE

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maxikavitha commented on Seven tips to stop snoring at night over 3 years ago

very nice article