Deadly Sins, Amazon Hardware, and Impeachment Talk: Best Gizmodo Stories of the Week - 2 minutes read

Deadly Sins, Amazon Hardware, and Impeachment Talk

Well, this was one hell of a week for American politics. If you’re tired of seeing the word “impeachment” plastered in headlines all over your newsfeed, too bad because here it is again! In case you haven’t been keeping up—hey, no shame, there’s been a lotto keep up with after all—we explained why that whistleblower complaint you’ve been hearing about blew up in tech circles too.

We also covered all the details on a bunch of new hardware Amazon showed off, why Netflix is struggling amid what feels like a million other streaming services, the history of the seven deadly sins, and how the U.S. military prepared for the possibility of incel uprisings as Jokerscreenings began this week.

Nintendo’s new Switch Jr. came out, one Gizmodo staffer recounts how the Area 51 raid was just as crazy as it sounded, Google contractors in Pennsylvania unionized, and a bunch of kids much more concerned with the world’s literal meltdown than Washington’s metaphoric one filed a landmark climate complaint.

All this and more, below:


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Amazon.comImpeachment of Bill ClintonImpeachment of Bill ClintonWhistleblowerAmazon.comNetflixStreaming mediaThe Seven Deadly Sins (manga)United States Armed ForcesBorac Incel Swimming ClubNintendoGizmodoArea 51GooglePennsylvaniaLabor unions in the United StatesThree Mile Island accident