The Speech Joe Biden Has Been Preparing For His Entire Life - 30 minutes read


michael barbaro

From The New York Times, I’m Michael Barbaro. This is “The Daily.” Tonight when Joe Biden formally accepts the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, it will be the culmination of a 30-year quest and two failed runs for the office. My colleague, Matt Flegenheimer, on a delayed victory that looks nothing like Biden had planned. It’s Thursday, August 20.

archived recording [CHEERING] America needs someone who can inspire once again in our people faith and trust in our government. America needs someone with a heart.

michael barbaro

Matt, take us back to when Joe Biden first runs for president. Where does that story start?

matt flegenheimer

That story starts at a train station in Wilmington, Delaware in June of 1987.

archived recording And we thank you, Delaware, for giving us that person, the next president of the United States, Joe Biden.

matt flegenheimer

He’s coming in the end of the second term for Ronald Reagan.

archived recording (joe biden) All right, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you!

matt flegenheimer

He is in his 40s and —

archived recording (joe biden) I tell you today that America is a nation at risk.

matt flegenheimer

— he is kind of a generational change candidate.

archived recording (joe biden) The clarion call from my generation is not ‘it is our turn,’ but rather, ‘it is our moment of obligation and opportunity.’

matt flegenheimer

He uses the words my generation quite a bit. This idea that after Reagan, after a lot of stodgy older men —

archived recording (joe biden) We literally have a chance to shape the future, to put our stamp on the face and character of America. This is not merely history. It is our destiny. [APPLAUSE]

matt flegenheimer

That it was time for a kind of breath of fresh air. And he was somebody who was going to bring that.

archived recording (joe biden) We need a new kind of presidential leadership, a presidential leadership that is prepared to tell the hard truths and lead this country.

matt flegenheimer

There’s not a signature proposal he’s running on. He’s really not a 12-point plan kind of candidate.

michael barbaro

That sounds like a pretty vague pitch to be making to voters.

matt flegenheimer

It is kind of vague. And he really struggled with articulating a rationale beyond wanting to be president.

archived recording (joe biden) Ladies and gentlemen, there’s much more to say. But I don’t want to trespass on my time.

matt flegenheimer

It was not always clear exactly why he was running.

archived recording (joe biden) Government can do many things. But in the final analysis, government can act little more than as a catalyst. We must demand more of ourselves, for nothing will suffice short of a wholesale commitment of an entire society.

michael barbaro

And why do you think he was running?

matt flegenheimer

I think he wanted to be president. He is somebody who, by his own account, talked about that in grade school. He’s somebody was elected to the Senate at 29, took office shortly thereafter when he turned 30. And this is a dream he had chased, in some measure, from the moment that he entered public office. At the same time, he also looked around at the fields in ‘88 and was unimpressed. They were sort of known derisively — at the field at that point on the Democratic side — as the seven dwarfs. It was sort of the put down in the press. And he looked at that group and said, “Why not Joe Biden?”

michael barbaro

And when he enters this race, who is Joe Biden in this moment? What is he actually known for, given his career up to that moment?

matt flegenheimer

So despite having been in the Senate at this point for going on three terms just about, he’s really still known nationally best for being a kind of tragic figure. He was elected to the Senate in 1972. The following month, his wife and daughter were killed in a car crash. His two sons were injured. And he was immediately sort of identified in the public consciousness as a figure of tremendous sympathy and as someone who had been left to mourn in public by dint of his profession.

michael barbaro

So his early career in Congress is very much defined by this personal tragedy, as much as any legislative accomplishment?

matt flegenheimer

That’s certainly true.

michael barbaro

So how does this campaign in ‘87 — how does it go?

matt flegenheimer

It goes fine for a while. He is somebody who is doing very well in fundraising early on. He was drawing crowds even before he entered the race in some of the early states he was visiting. And I think a lot of figures within the party saw him as very formidable. And then —

archived recording Now to the controversy that has suddenly erupted around the Democratic presidential candidate Joseph Biden.

matt flegenheimer

— he gets himself into trouble.

archived recording The charge that he has plagiarized parts of his speeches.

matt flegenheimer

On a couple of occasions, he’s accused of lifting the words of others.

archived recording (joe biden) And I started thinking as I was coming over here, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? Why is that my wife, who’s sitting out there in the audience, is the first in her family to ever go to college?

matt flegenheimer

The most memorable is at a debate in Iowa —

archived recording (joe biden) Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? Is it because I’m the first Biden in a thousand generations to get a college and a graduate degree, that I was smarter than the rest?

matt flegenheimer

In Iowa, he is caught using the words of Neil Kinnock, who is a British politician —

archived recording (neil kinnock) Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? What is Glenys the first woman in her family in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? Was it because all our predecessors were thick?

matt flegenheimer

— and passing them off as his own.

archived recording (joe biden) Is it because they didn’t work hard? My ancestors, who worked in the coal mines in Northeast Pennsylvania and then would come up after 12 hours and play football for four hours? archived recording (neil kinnock) Was it because they were weak? Those people who had worked eight hours underground and then come up and play football?

matt flegenheimer

He’s quoted Kinnock before on the trail and cited him appropriately. In this instance, he just says the words as if they are extemporaneous Joe Biden words. Does not mention Kinnock, no citation.

archived recording (joe biden) No. It’s not because they weren’t as smart. It’s not because it didn’t work as hard. It’s because they didn’t have a platform upon which to stand. archived recording (neil kinnock) It was because there was no platform upon which they could stand. [APPLAUSE]

matt flegenheimer

And then it gets picked up in the press.

archived recording Biden seemed to be claiming Kinnock’s vision and life as his own. archived recording (joe biden) I should have said, “to paraphrase Neil Kinnock.” archived recording The problem here is that Senator Biden told his audience he’d just been thinking about these things. And he failed to give any credit at all to his famous British speechwriter.

matt flegenheimer

So this moment begets other moments, unpleasant moments for Joe Biden.

archived recording 1 CBS News found a tape of a second instance. archived recording 2 Biden had appropriated a famous litany from the late Robert Kennedy about what the gross national product cannot measure. archived recording (joe biden) It cannot measure the health of our children — archived recording (robert kennedy) The health of our children — archived recording (joe biden) — the quality of their education — archived recording (robert kennedy) — the quality of their education — archived recording (joe biden) — the joy of their play. archived recording (robert kennedy) — or the joy of their play.

matt flegenheimer

There is a story on his record in law school —

archived recording 1 Joseph Biden admitted today that he committed plagiarism when he was in law school. He said it was a mistake, but that it was unintentional. archived recording 2 He quoted five pages of someone else’s work without proper citation.

matt flegenheimer

Then —

archived recording (voter) Question, what law school did you attend? And where did you place in that class?

matt flegenheimer

— a video from the spring circulates of him —

archived recording (voter) And the other question is, could you quickly — archived recording (joe biden) I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect.

matt flegenheimer

— essentially telling a voter in New Hampshire who asked about his academic history, “I probably have a much higher I.Q. than you do, I suspect.”

archived recording (joe biden) I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship.

matt flegenheimer

And he goes on to exaggerate his record in law school, saying things like, I was the only one in my class to get a full academic scholarship, and other things that turned out not to be true. And that combination of both the exaggeration and the sort of belligerence with a member of the electorate did not sit well when that clip began circulating in a wider fashion. And this sort of snowballs unto itself.

archived recording (joe biden) If and when I’ve ever quoted anyone without saying this is their quote, it’s either because, in fact, it’s been clearly known by everyone what it is, or I honestly did not know I was quoting somebody else.

matt flegenheimer

He has always been dogged by this idea, and it’s an insecurity he’s talked about a lot himself, that he was not necessarily a policy heavyweight or a brilliant thinker. He didn’t go to an Ivy League school. And there was something of a chip on his shoulder as a result of this. And he really thinks he’s been disrespected in the national media, not taken seriously enough. There’s a cliche on Capitol Hill about workhorses and show horses. And the perception among a lot of people watching him is that he’s a show horse.

archived recording (joe biden) I took the cases out of the law review article and the footnotes out of the law review article. And I thought what I was doing, honestly, was the right way to do it.

matt flegenheimer

And so he holds a kind of stop-the-bleeding press conference at the Capitol, trying to essentially reset his campaign and stabilize himself as a candidate.

archived recording (joe biden) And I footnoted it.

matt flegenheimer

And it does not go well.

archived recording (joe biden) I was wrong. But I was not malevolent in any way.

matt flegenheimer

He comes off defensive, defiant.

archived recording (joe biden) That I did not intentionally move to mislead anybody. I didn’t.

matt flegenheimer

And you can see him really start to see his initial case, which was so rooted in his own personal integrity, start to fall away. And when that falls away, there’s not a whole lot left. Because there was not a really strong policy undergirding this campaign in the first place.

archived recording [PRESS CONFERENCE CHATTER]

matt flegenheimer

By the fall, there is another thing happening.

archived recording (ronald reagan) With great pleasure and deep respect for his extraordinary abilities, I today announce my intention to nominate United States Court of Appeals Judge Robert H. Bork.

matt flegenheimer

Reagan nominates Robert Bork to the Supreme Court. And there is immediately an effort on the Democratic side to figure out how they can best prevent a deeply conservative judge from reaching the court. And Biden, who is the chairman of the Judiciary Committee in the Senate, is at the helm of that effort.

archived recording (joe biden) Those in favor of the Bork nomination will vote aye. Those opposed will vote no. The clerk will call the roll.

matt flegenheimer

So his team gets together.

archived recording (clerk) Mr. Byrd? archived recording (robert byrd) No. archived recording (clerk) Mr. Metzenbaum? archived recording (howard metzenbaum) No.

matt flegenheimer

And one of his top advisers in the Senate essentially says to him —

archived recording (clerk) Mr. DeConcini? archived recording (dennis deconcini) No.

matt flegenheimer

If we lose the Bork fight at this point —

archived recording (clerk) Mr. Simon? archived recording (paul simon) No.

matt flegenheimer

— it will be because of us. And if we win, it’ll be in spite of us.

archived recording (clerk) Mr. Thurmond? archived recording (strom thurmond) Aye.

matt flegenheimer

And that really resonates with him. He sees his day job as so essential, not just because he ostensibly cares about the constituency he serves, but because he has been so ridiculed as a figure of less than considerable substance. A major Supreme Court hearing is quite the forum to push back against that idea.

archived recording Mr. Hatch? archived recording (orrin hatch) Aye. archived recording Mr. Simpson? archived recording (alan simpson) Aye.

matt flegenheimer

So months before anybody even gets a chance to weigh in at the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire, Joe Biden is out.

archived recording Mr. Grassley? archived recording (chuck grassley) Aye.

matt flegenheimer

He makes the decision himself. He’s going back to the Senate to finish the Bork fight.

archived recording Mr. Humphrey? archived recording (gordon humphrey) Aye. archived recording Mr. Biden? archived recording (joe biden) No.

matt flegenheimer

And they win.

archived recording The Robert Bork nomination ended today. The Senate voted by an overwhelming 58 to 42 margin to reject —

matt flegenheimer

Bork is not confirmed. And Biden has a lot to do with that. And it was a major victory for him.

michael barbaro

So in order to protect his Senate career, he feels like he needs to end his bid for president.

matt flegenheimer

He feels like he needs to end his bid for president. And at that point, it is not at all clear that his bid for president would have gone particularly well, anyway.

archived recording (joe biden) Mr. President, I’d like to make a few points here if I may.

matt flegenheimer

He goes back to the Senate and really resolves to kind of put his head down and do the work of a senator, and aspires to this sort of legacy of some of the lions of the Senate that he has gotten to know — fellow Democrats, like a Ted Kennedy, and also Republicans who he’d really grown close to over the years.

archived recording (joe biden) So let me tell you, if your moral center is oil, I understand you. If your moral center is humanity, there is no comparing the restoration of Kuwait with ending of genocide in Bosnia.

matt flegenheimer

He is really pushing this kind of muscular foreign policy idea that America should be a force for good in the world.

archived recording (joe biden) And what is the message we send to the world if we stand by and we say, we’ll let it continue to happen here in this place, but it is not in our interest?

matt flegenheimer

He is pushing legislation around violence against women, pushing the crime bill in the mid-‘90s under President Clinton.

archived recording (joe biden) One of the things I want to do in addition to ending the crime is end the political carnage that goes on when we talk about crime.

matt flegenheimer

He is seen as a particularly capable bipartisan figure.

archived recording (joe biden) Crime is not Democrat or Republican.

matt flegenheimer

He talks about never questioning anybody’s motive — maybe their politics, never their motive. And he is seen as kind of an honest broker among Republicans, certainly in this period.

archived recording (joe biden) And I think there’s a consensus among Republicans in that. Old barbed wire Republican conservatives [INAUDIBLE] want to hang them high, even those folks are saying, hey, we’ve got to deal with the root cause of this.

matt flegenheimer

Even if it earns him the disdain sometimes from the more liberal groups.

archived recording (joe biden) And liberal Democrats who used to say, “Let’s look at the sociological underpinnings of why this occurred and we have to” — they’re now saying, hey, look, we’ve got to take back the streets. We’ll make that fight later.

matt flegenheimer

But he really makes a particularly concerted effort in these years when he is not running for president to bring the kind of heft to the day job that voters didn’t necessarily see in 1988.

michael barbaro

So when does Biden decide in the midst of this pretty successful engagement in the Senate that he’s going to try to seek the presidency again?

matt flegenheimer

It’s something he never lets go of fully. So he thinks about it in 2004, as George W. Bush is seeking re-election. Decides against it in the end. But ‘08 is the time when he decides —

archived recording (joe biden) Friends, today I filed the necessary papers to become candidate for President of the United States.

matt flegenheimer

— he’s ready for the second time.

archived recording (joe biden) And along with my wife Jill and my children Beau, Hunter and Ashley, we really look forward to being out there on the campaign trail with you and getting a chance to meet you.

matt flegenheimer

And he’s running as a very different candidate, obviously. He’s been in the Senate for more than 30 years. It’s his sixth term. And he brings with that a set of experiences he didn’t have in 1988.

archived recording (joe biden) I’ve spent the last four years traveling back and forth to Iraq, meeting with our soldiers, our generals and our diplomats, and trying my level best to convince the president to change course.

matt flegenheimer

This is a moment of unpopular wars going on in the country. And he is somebody, according to his pitch, who really understands those challenges because of the work that he’s done in the Senate since his last campaign.

archived recording (joe biden) The next president of the United States is going to have to be prepared to immediately step in and act without hesitation to end our involvement in Iraq without further destabilizing the Middle East and the rest of the world.

matt flegenheimer

But as it turns out, that kind of experience did not necessarily resonate widely with voters for a whole host of reasons.

archived recording [CHANTING] Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama!

matt flegenheimer

For one —

archived recording Obama! Obama!

matt flegenheimer

— he is a figure who is running up against a historic moment —

archived recording (barack obama) Thank you!

matt flegenheimer

— in this Democratic primary.

archived recording (barack obama) Generations of Americans have responded with a simple creed —

matt flegenheimer

Barack Obama is running.

archived recording (barack obama) — that sums up the spirit of a people. Yes, we can. [CHEERING] Yes, we can.

matt flegenheimer

Hillary Clinton is running.

archived recording (hillary clinton) The question isn’t whether we can keep America’s promise, it’s whether we will keep America’s promise. [CHEERING]

matt flegenheimer

And despite the relative inexperience in the Senate as his colleagues, the non-historic nature of the Biden campaign as a white man in his 60s really feels out of step with the times when set against these dynamic and compelling and particularly history-making candidates against him. At the same time, we see flashes of the ‘88 campaign Biden come to the fore very early in this race.

archived recording (joe biden) We’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American — archived recording Yeah. archived recording (joe biden) — who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man. archived recording Yeah.

matt flegenheimer

He also just had a lot of these moments —

archived recording (joe biden) I spent last summer going through the Black sections of my town holding rallies in parks, trying to get Black men to understand it is not unmanly to wear a condom, getting women to understand they can say no, getting people in the position where testing matters.

matt flegenheimer

— these moments of sounding out of touch in kind of a cringe-worthy way. Sort of an uncle at a family gathering saying something that he probably shouldn’t.

archived recording (joe biden) I got tested for AIDS. I know Barack got tested for AIDS. There’s no shame in being tested for AIDS. It’s an important thing. Because the fact of the matter is, in the community, in the communities engaged in denial —

matt flegenheimer

And on the policy side, quite frankly on the most important foreign policy issue of the day, despite his experience in the Senate that he touted, he’s on the opposite side of Barack Obama. He voted for the Iraq war. Obama did not. One of the points that Barack Obama made throughout is: I may not have the experience on paper, but I do have the wisdom to avoid a blunder such as that.

michael barbaro

Hm. So at just the moment when Biden thought that he had proven he was the workhorse and the steady hand and the experienced kind of gray beard of the Senate, that turned out to be the wrong kind of set of experiences for the Democratic electorate.

matt flegenheimer

It just did not fit the moment. And there was really never a moment in that campaign when he felt like a particularly serious threat to take the nomination. The voters of Iowa render their verdict. And he drops out almost immediately thereafter. But unlike ‘88, he really doesn’t embarrass himself either, in the end. He is seen as a sort of affable, knowledgeable peer among his rivals. But he does have to leave the race.

michael barbaro

So here we have another failed presidential bid. And for the second time, Biden doesn’t really get all that far in these Democratic primaries.

matt flegenheimer

No. Two campaigns, zero states won. But what he does get out of this race is —

archived recording (barack obama) For months I’ve searched for a leader to finish this journey alongside me.

matt flegenheimer

— really earning the respect of the eventual nominee, Barack Obama.

archived recording (barack obama) Today I have come back to Springfield to tell you that I’ve found that leader. [CHEERING]

matt flegenheimer

So when the time comes to pick a running mate —

archived recording (barack obama) A man with a distinguished record, a man with fundamental decency. And that man is Joe Biden. [CHEERING]

matt flegenheimer

— Barack Obama chooses Joe Biden. Biden at this point is not seen as particularly likely to seek the presidency again. He’s obviously in his 60s. He’s run twice and failed. But we now know there’s a conversation that the two of them have as he’s offering Biden the running mate slot. And Obama says to him, this is in Biden’s telling, I hope you see this as the capstone to your career. And Biden says back to him, and not the tombstone.

michael barbaro


matt flegenheimer

But that is set aside for the moment. He goes off into the Obama campaign. And of course, Obama and Biden win that election.

archived recording (barack obama) I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton, the vice president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden. [CHEERING]

michael barbaro

We’ll be right back. So just as after 1988, when Biden threw himself into the role of being a senator, after he loses that ‘08 race, he really pours himself into the vice presidency in this case.

matt flegenheimer

Absolutely. He sees himself as the sort of ultimate lieutenant for the first Black president and takes very seriously the idea that they are full partners. He wants to be the last person who Obama talks to before making a major decision. He wants to be in the room where those tough calls are happening. And I do think there is a parallel to that period in his Senate life between these presidential runs. He definitely both absorbs this idea that he should be doing the job he has and not the job that he might aspire to and seems to believe it. And there is certainly a belief among those in the Obama White House that he is not necessarily giving up on those ambitions down the line. But he is not seen as somebody positioning himself for a run either.

michael barbaro

And is that really the case, Matt? Because my sense is that by the time Obama is ready to leave office, that ember that is Joe Biden’s perpetual desire to seek the presidency is glowing pretty brightly.

matt flegenheimer

It is. And it probably never went out. You don’t think about such things in grade school and relinquish them in your 70s.

michael barbaro


matt flegenheimer

But a couple of things happened late in Obama’s second term. And one of them is political. Hillary Clinton’s running for president again. She is effectively clearing the field, it seems. A lot of the Obama operation is already lining up behind her. Barack Obama makes clear that he sees her as a pretty suitable heir, potentially. And then tragically, there is the death of Beau Biden, Joe’s eldest son, his political heir to the would be Biden dynasty in Delaware. He was the state attorney general. And it was wrenching. This was someone who had already been left to grieve so publicly with such raw emotion early in his Senate life. And for the second time, he is burying a child. So this was just a particularly searing moment for all those who know and love Joe Biden. And through some combination of the rawness of that mourning and how far down the road the Clinton campaign had already gotten, he opts not to run.

archived recording (joe biden) Good morning, folks. Please, please, sit down.

matt flegenheimer

He stands in the Rose Garden beside President Obama. And there’s a moment at the beginning of that press conference that he says —

archived recording (joe biden) Mr. President, thank you for lending me the Rose Garden for a minute. archived recording (barack obama) It’s a pretty nice place.

matt flegenheimer

And there is this sense watching that, that it was not a place that Joe Biden would have to himself down the line, that this was probably his last window to run.

archived recording (joe biden) As my family and I have worked through the grieving process, I’ve said all along what I’ve said time and again to others, that it may very well be that that process, by the time we get through it, closes the window on mounting a realistic campaign for president. That it might close. I’ve concluded it has closed.

matt flegenheimer

It was a poignant reminder of all that he had been through prior, and how he had come to be seen as this kind of avatar of trauma and resilience and how central that was to his public arc throughout his career. And to have this bookend this time as vice president was something that, to Democrats and Republicans, just felt unfair.

michael barbaro

And I remember, Matt, thinking after watching that news conference that this was his last chance to run for president. I think a lot of people thought that. But it turned out that his presidential aspirations did not end in the Rose Garden that day. He ran again in 2020. And after a roller coaster campaign in which he was up and he was down and for a moment it looked like he was almost written off, he prevails. And just a couple of nights ago, he is formally designated the Democratic Party’s nominee for president. And so I’m curious, in your mind, what he had going for him in 2020 that he didn’t have in those previous two runs.

matt flegenheimer

Well, in some ways it’s a culmination of those runs and all that he had experienced in the time since. He is fusing the kind of personal integrity argument from his ‘88 campaign — his own character, his own decency — and the experience case he’s making in ‘08, that he is somebody who has been there, has seen it and knows what to do.

michael barbaro


matt flegenheimer

And it turns out that that combination becomes pretty compelling in 2020. He is somebody who, through the context of this moment, found a rationale. His advisers would say he met the moment. In some ways, the moment dictated it. He ran a campaign in the primary premised not particularly on policy or ideology, but on the idea that the country is better than this and that this president has to be defeated.

archived recording (joe biden) My fellow Americans, there are moments in our history so grim, so heartrending that they’re forever fixed in each of our hearts, shared grief.

matt flegenheimer

And his campaign argument, in some ways, hinges almost exclusively on this idea that he is a figure of unique perspective.

archived recording (joe biden) Today is one of those moments. 100,000 lives have now been lost to this virus.

matt flegenheimer

In this moment of a pandemic, of a reckoning over racial justice, sort of overlapping crises and traumas —

archived recording (joe biden) I think I know what you’re feeling. You feel like you’re being sucked into a black hole in the middle of your chest. It’s suffocating.

matt flegenheimer

He is holding himself out as somebody who knows how to overcome such things, because he has.

archived recording (joe biden) This nation grieves with you. Take some solace from the fact we all grieve with you.

matt flegenheimer

It’s not as if his biography wasn’t compelling in past races. But it’s so much more resonant in a moment of collective grief in the country and of such tremendous trauma and upheaval in people’s daily lives. But at the same time —

archived recording (joe biden) If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black.

matt flegenheimer

— he is still the Joe Biden that audiences have seen and occasionally chafed at seeing over the years. He is prone to gaffes. He had a handful of interactions with voters on the trail during the primary —

archived recording (joe biden) You’re a damn liar, man. That’s not true. And no one has ever said that. No one has heard that —

matt flegenheimer

— that I think his campaign instantly regretted. Sort of confrontational, evocative of that ‘I have a higher I.Q. than you do’ moment from ‘88.

archived recording (joe biden) You said I set up my son to work in an oil company. Isn’t that what you said? Get your words straight, Jack.

matt flegenheimer

He’s liable to get carried away in front of a crowd, to exaggerate, to misstate something on the debate stage. There is no question that those weaknesses persist.

archived recording (joe biden) And I can get things done. That’s why I’m running. And you want to check my shape on let’s do push ups together, man. Let’s run. Let’s do whatever you want to do.

matt flegenheimer

So in his first run in ‘88, he talked about how he saw presidential history in cycles. You had these kind of bursts of progress and upheaval, followed by these moments of correction where voters wanted to choose a candidate who could let the country catch its breath. And the implication then was that he was that candidate, that he was the generational change, the burst of progress. And the implication now is that he is the figure who can let America catch its breath. And there is such a conspicuous passage of time in that. He is not running on generational change as a 77-year-old man —

michael barbaro


matt flegenheimer

— in the way that he was 32 years ago. And that passage of time is evident. You can hear it in his speeches. You can see it in his public appearances. He has been through a lot. He has done a lot. He has earned that agedness at this stage of his career.

michael barbaro

Matt, I wonder how it will feel for Joe Biden tonight, after all these failed attempts, after all his personal tragedy, to finally have this moment arrive some 30 years after he first tries for it. And I’m sure, 30 years of thinking about trying for it again. He will walk out, I guess, to a podium. This is virtual. It will be weird. And he will accept, at last, the Democratic party’s nomination for president. How is that going to feel for him?

matt flegenheimer

I think like so much in his political career, it’ll be bittersweet. I mean, think about the scene. He will not be in an arena in Milwaukee. He will be at a remote location in Wilmington. He will not have a crowd of people chanting his name. No balloons, no “We love Joe.” And I think that reflects the moment but is also such a spectacular come down from the vision of this that he might have had. He’s been thinking about the presidency for decade after decade.

archived recording (joe biden) Today, I announce my candidacy for president of the United States of America. [CHEERING]

matt flegenheimer

And so much of it won’t look like he expected it to in this moment of triumph.

archived recording (joe biden) God bless you and thank you.

matt flegenheimer

Both superficially, because of the convention set up, and substantially, most powerfully for him because Beau Biden won’t be there. In every version of this speech that he’s imagined in his life up until Beau’s death, I’m sure Beau Biden in the wings of the arena and helping him prepare the speech is what he had in mind. And if there’s any throughline to his public life, it’s this commingling of tragedy and triumph. And in some ways, it’s a fitting coda to have him accepting the nomination in a way so radically different from what he had hoped, and so colored by the national grief and gloom of this moment and of the country that he hopes to lead.

michael barbaro

Matt, thank you very much. We appreciate it.

matt flegenheimer

Thanks so much for having me.

michael barbaro

We’ll be right back. Here’s what else you need to know today.

archived recording (hillary clinton) The morning after the last election, I said, we owe Donald Trump an open mind and the chance to lead. I meant it. Every president deserves that.

michael barbaro

On the third night of the Democratic National Convention, the last Democratic nominee for president, Hillary Clinton, implored Americans to replace the man who defeated her in 2016 by electing Joe Biden.

archived recording (barack obama) I wish Donald Trump knew how to be a president because America needs a president right now.

michael barbaro

Later in the night, President Obama, standing before an image of the United States Constitution, offered himself as a character witness for his former vice president.

archived recording (barack obama) 12 years ago, when I began my search for a vice president, I didn’t know I’d end up finding a brother. Joe and I come from different places, different generations. But what I quickly came to admire about Joe Biden is his resilience, born of too much struggle, his empathy, born of too much grief.

michael barbaro

And in the night’s keynote speech, Senator Kamala Harris accepted the party’s nomination for vice president, calling on the country to confront structural racism and acknowledging that the challenges facing her and Biden are enormous.

archived recording (kamala harris) So make no mistake, the road ahead is not easy. We may stumble. We may fall short. But I pledge to you that we will act boldly and deal with our challenges honestly. We will speak truths. And we will act with the same faith in you that we ask you to place in us.

michael barbaro

Source: New York Times

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