The Aging Anarchist’s Cookbook - 2 minutes read

Welcome to the newest edition of “The Anarchist Cookbook.” To commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of this seminal and controversial guide, we’ve updated its contents for a maturing readership of former and aging anarchists. If you were a bit of a punk in your youth but now are the same age as your parents were when they bought their second house, this edition is for you.

Enjoy all-new chapters that will help you navigate the realities of your current life stage, including the following:

Obviously, all sections related to the making of drugs and explosives have been removed. I mean, my God, even putting ethics aside, can you imagine having the energy to do anything like that? We’ve replaced those parts with how-tos curated for folks like you—those who never read this book but who broadly adopted a vague, countercultural world view in their youths and are now rapidly approaching middle age. Accordingly, we’ve increased the type size by a hundred and fifty per cent to enhance readability.

In this new edition, you won’t learn how to sabotage an oil pipeline with homemade devices, but you will learn how to monkey-wrench your way to a good night’s sleep! Just turn to Chapter 7 for our recipe for the anar-sleep cocktail: a blend of melatonin, L-theanine, and magnesium citrate—served lukewarm, and paired with a playlist of the Clash’s lower-key tracks, such as “Straight to Hell.”

Other culinary content can be found in our “Anarchist Cookbook: The Cookbook” addendum, which includes:

We hope that this new edition is helpful to you. If you enjoy it, keep an eye out for other reissued content, including a reimagined edition of Chuck Palahniuk’s “Fight Club” that skips all of the fighting and reorients the dramatic arc around the narrator’s search for the perfect kitchen cabinet.

Source: The New Yorker

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