How to build an AI stylist inspired by outfits on Instagram - 6 minutes read

Last year, in a universe where it still made sense to owns pants, I decided to hire a personal stylist.

In our first appointment, the stylist came to my apartment and took pictures of every clothing item I owned.

In our second appointment, she met me at Nordstrom’s, where she asked me to try on a $400 casual dress, a $700 blazer, and $300 sneakers. (I never thought to ask if she worked on commission.)

But only after our third and final appointment, when she finally sent me a folder full of curated “looks” made from my new and old clothing items, did it finally click: I’d just blown a lot of money.

I had a suspicion we were on different pages when, as we walked through the shoes section at Nordstrom, the stylist said, “The problem with you people in tech is that you’re always looking for some kind of theory or strategy or formula for fashion. But there is no formula–it’s about taste.”

Pfffft. We’ll see about that!

I returned the pricey clothing and decided to build my own (cheaper!) AI-powered stylist. In this post, I’ll show you how you can, too.

Want to see a video version of this post? Check out it here.

My AI Stylist was half based on this smart closet from the movie Clueless:

and half based on the idea that one way to dress fashionably is to copy fashionable people. Particularly, fashionable people on Instagram.

The app pulls in the Instagram feeds of a bunch of fashion “influencers” on Instagram and combines them with pictures of clothing you already own to recommend you outfits. Here’s what it looks like:

(You can also check out the live app here.)

On the left pane–the closet screen–you can see all the clothing items I already own. On the right pane, you’ll see a list of Instagram accounts I follow for inspiration. In the middle pane (the main screen), you can see the actual outfit recommendations the AI made for me. The Instagram inspiration picture is at the top, and items for my closet are shown below:

Here my style muse is Laura Medalia, an inspiring software developer who’s on Instagram (make sure to follow her for fashion and tips for working in tech!).

The whole app took me about a month to build and cost ~$7.00 in Google Cloud credits (more on pricing later). Let’s dive in.

The architecture

I built this app using a combination of Google Cloud Storage, Firebase, and Cloud Functions for the backend, React for the frontend, and the Google Cloud Vision API for the ML bits. I divided the architecture into two bits.

First, there’s the batch process, which runs every hour (or however frequently you like) in the Cloud:

“Batch process” is just a fancy way of saying that I wrote a Python script which runs on a scheduled interval (more on that later). The process:

Pulls photos from social media Uses the Vision API’s Product Search feature to find similar items in my closet Scores the matches (i.e. of all the social media pictures, which can I most accurately recreate given clothing in my closet?) Writes the matches to Firestore

This is really the beefy part of the app, where all the machine learning magic happens. The process makes outfit recommendations and writes them to Firestore, which is my favorite ever lightweight database for app development (I use it in almost all my projects).

The actual app (in this case, just a responsive web app) is simple: it just reads the outfit recommendations from Firestore and displays them in a pretty interface:

Let’s take a look!

Grabbing social media data

Ideally, I wanted my app to pull pictures from Instagram automatically, based on which accounts I told it to follow. Unfortunately, Instagram doesn’t have an API (and using a scraper would violate their TOS). So I specifically asked Laura for permission to use her photos. I downloaded them to my computer and then uploaded them to a Google Cloud Storage bucket:

# Create a cloud storage bucket gsutil mb gs://inspo-pics-bucket # Upload inspiration pics gsutil cp path/to/inspo/pics/ *.jpg gs://inspo-pics-bucket

Filtering for fashion pictures

I like Laura’s account for inspiration because she usually posts pictures of herself in head-to-toe outfits (shoes included). But some pics on her account are more like this:

Adorable, yes, but I can’t personally pull off the dressed-in-only-a-collar look. So I needed some way of knowing which pictures contained outfits (worn by people) and which didn’t.

For that, I turned to my trusty steed, the Google Cloud Vision API (which I use in many different ways for this project). First, I used its classification feature, which assigns labels to an image. Here’s the labels it gives me for a picture of myself, trying to pose as an influencer:

The labels are ranked by how confident the model is that they’re relevant to the picture. Notice there’s one label called “Fashion” (confidence 90%). To filter Laura’s pictures, I labeled them all with the Vision API and removed any image that didn’t get a “Fashion” label. Here’s the code:

If you want the full code, check it out here.

Digitizing my closet

Now the goal is to have my app look at Laura’s fashion photos and recommend me items in my closet I can use to recreate them. For that, I had to take a pictures of item of clothing I owned, which would have been a pain except I happen to have a very lean closet.

I hung each item up on my mannequin and snapped a pic.

Using the vision product search API

Once I had all of my fashion inspiration pictures and my closet pictures, I was ready to start making outfit recommendations using the Google Vision Product Search API.

This API is designed to power features like “similar product search.” Here’s an example from the Pinterest app:

IKEA also built a nice demo that allows customers to search their products via images with this kind of tech:

I’m going to use the Product Search API in a similar way, but instead of connecting a product catalog, I’ll use my own wardrobe, and instead of recommend similar individual items, I’ll recommend entire outfits.

To use this API, you’ll want to:

Uploading your closet photos to Cloud Storage Create a new Product Set using the Product Search API Create a new product for each item in your closet Upload (multiple) pictures of those products

At first I attempted this using the official Google Python client library, but it was a bit clunky, so I ended up writing my own Python Product Search wrapper library, which you can find here (on PyPi). Here’s what it looks like in code:

Note this wrapper library handles uploading photos to a Cloud Storage bucket automatically, so you can upload a new clothing item to your product set from a local image file:

Source: The Next Web

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