Analysis: Here's why Biden is watching the clock - 1 minute read

For example, it's now time for even more Americans to line up for their Covid-19 vaccinations. The administration doubled its vaccination goal in Biden's first 100 days -- now, 200 million shots . States around the country are announcing dates when residents 16 and older will be eligible for vaccinations, as dangerous variants threaten to halt the progress the country has made.

And it's partially why, despite a second horrific mass shooting in as many weeks, Biden is focusing firstĀ on an infrastructure and jobs bill , not on extensive gun reform. His administration has spent weeks teeing up the multi-trillion dollar package as the administration's next big policy goal after Covid-19 relief.

"We are going to move on these [issues] one at a time, and try to do as many simultaneously as we can," Biden said at his first press conference as President on Thursday.

On Capitol Hill, the filibuster managed to edge its way into multiple policy fights. After all, the Senate's 60-vote requirement appears to be hamstringing Biden policy movement, as few, if any, Republicans have signaled interest in working with Biden.

Source: CNN

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