Analysis: It's Bernie and the 5 dwarves right now - 2 minutes read

Now, any smart political strategist will tell you that national polls aren't the best indicator of where a race is headed -- particularly after people in key early states start voting. Which they have!

But the results in Iowa and New Hampshire only lend more credibility to Sanders' status as a clear first among sort-of equals. He led the Iowa popular vote while apparently losing the delegate count by a fingernail. He won the New Hampshire primary. And polling in the lead-up to Saturday's Nevada caucuses suggests he's the likely winner there too.

None of that means Sanders is on the verge of walking away with this thing. He isn't -- and major pockets of resistance within the party establishment and the pragmatic center still exist. What it does mean, however, is that Sanders is very well-positioned to be one of the last candidates standing -- assuming that the pragmatists eventually rally around a single person. That process has yet to begin in earnest -- even as Sanders continues to build momentum with his strong showings in early states and demonstrated fundraising prowess. He is unmatched in his positioning in the race. It's hard to see Sanders not facing a serious challenge at some point between now and the party convention this summer, but for the moment, he is sitting very pretty. : Sanders wouldn't trade places with anyone else in the race at the moment. And every single one of them would trade places with him.

Source: CNN

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