Why These Baseball Caps have Notched Bills - 1 minute read

A company called Notch sells these baseball caps with two notches in the bill.

Why the notches? To accommodate the wraparound sunglasses favored by soldiers, paramilitary types and others. "I'm a veteran of the US Marines," writes company co-founder Paul Cunningham, "and had always been frustrated with traditional baseball caps because the curved brim would push my sunglasses down onto my nose. Notch was born out of my search for a practical, attractive solution to this problem."

The brand offers two different notch placements…

…as well as notch-less, for you traditionalists.

As a fringe benefit, the notched caps can be hung on a bar.

There's nearly 100 different models listed on their website, all in the $20 - $30 range.

Source: Core77.com

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