History Posts
Published in Historical Echoes · Feb 13, 2025
The upcoming alignment of six planets on January 25, 2025
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1 min read

Opinion: Invalidity of Counterfactual Models of Mortality Averted by Childhood Vaccination. Denis... Free
Published in History Hub
Abstract I express and support the opinion that all models that purport to calculate the mortality (infant mortality in particular) averted by vaccine programmes are invalid because they are based on inputs of vaccine efficacy and pathogen prevalence and viru…
Exploring Ancient Ruins and Historical Landmarks: The Must-See Historical Sites and Destination f... Free
Published in Historical Echoes
Ancient ruins are windows into humanity’s past, offering glimpses of long-lost civilizations, their achievements, and their mysteries. From towering pyramids to intricately carved temples, these historical sites captivate the imagination of history lovers and…
A Century of UFO Psyops Exposed Part 3: Spooks, Scientologists, Satanists, and The New Mind Wars Free
Published in Historical Echoes
Since the world is being pushed ever more quickly towards the greatest and most destructive magic trick in history… that is the ‘great disclosure’ of ET collusion with governments using an array of holographic technologies, CGI, media propaganda and ‘insider …Akram Khan and Manal AlDowayan premier Thikra: Night of Remembering commissioned by Wadi AlFann, ... Free
Published in Historical Echoes
ALULA, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- THIKRA: NIGHT OF REMEMBERING A new performance production by Akram Khan and Manal AlDowayan premiered under the stars in the ancient oasis of AlUla, Saudi Arabia, on the 25th of January as part of the AlU…
Gaza’s Unbreakable Resistance: A Historical Perspective on the War and Its Aftermath Free
Published in Historical Echoes
The problem with political analysis is that it often lacks historical perspective and is mostly limited to recent events. The current analysis of the Israeli war on Gaza falls victim to this narrow thinking. The ceasefire agreement, signed between Palestinian…
We Forget Most of Our Dreams. So Why Do We Have Them? Free
Published in Historical Echoes
No one knows why we dream. It stands to reason that dreams have some purpose because nearly everyone dreams, and we dream 3 to 6 times every night. People typically have several dreams each night that grow longer as sleep draws to a close. Over a lifetime, a …