
Iskandar Muda


I’m Iskandar and I have a passion for writing. I enjoy writing on a variety of topics and I take pleasure in immersing myself in learning about new and exciting areas.
Skills and Interests

Writing sport
522f42ff3fafea2dc08f9932a77f8363 Iskandar Muda @Jhon_Is - almost 2 years ago
Setting Your Money Goals
3 Factors which determine your investment strategyYou may be wondering what is the right investment strategy for you, but without knowing anything about you, any advice on which investments are right for you may in fact be the wrong ones. There are basically three factors...continued
3 minutes read
522f42ff3fafea2dc08f9932a77f8363 Iskandar Muda @Jhon_Is - almost 2 years ago
Fit, Elderly and Living Alone in a Global Pandemic
Joan was right around 80 when her significant other passed on. They'd been together north of 50 years, spending their grown-up lives doing everything together. They raised a family, got through seasons of monetary difficulty, managed his later life wellbeing concerns, mea...continued
Take care
5 minutes read
522f42ff3fafea2dc08f9932a77f8363 Iskandar Muda @Jhon_Is - almost 2 years ago
Affiliate Marketing Lessons
There are lots of places on the internet that claim to offer affiliate marketing lessons. It's sometimes difficult though to distinguish the correct information from the false sales patter. Many people see the get rich quick schemes and guides to instant wealth and get th...continued
3 minutes read