
Jeffrey Willson

F5dfdb7ab75b2114951d158878b3dc56 Jeffrey Willson @momo10 - over 2 years ago
CryptoPixe1s Collection
NFT is the non fungible token, which is an abbreviation of the word( Non - Fungible -Token) and it is a form of a digital document that confirms a person's ownership of a specific digital asset. NFT is based on the blockchain technology used in digital currencies.CLICK HE...continued
1 minute read
F5dfdb7ab75b2114951d158878b3dc56 Jeffrey Willson @momo10 - almost 3 years ago
The Latest Lose Weight Today with YOGA!
Out of the many things that India is known for in her contribution to the world, ‘Yoga’ is perhaps one of the most important and popular exports. From the ancient times, the ascetics, the ‘rishis’ and the ‘munis’ of India have been practicing this form of art and science ...continued
2 minutes read