


As a Warehouse Manager for 6 years, I have gained a wealth of experience in overseeing and coordinating warehouse operation. In my role, I have honed a variety of skills that are essential for the success in the warehouse management industry. These includes: * STRONG LEADERSHIP ABILITIES * EXECELLENT ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS *STRONG ATTENTION TO DETAILS *STRONG COMMUNICATION SKILLS and *STRONG PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS In terms of achievement: * successfully implemented a new inventory management system * led my team to consistently meet and exceed productivity * developed and implemented a new training program for new warehouse worker * successfully managed a major warehouse expansion Overall, my experience and skills as warehouse manager have prepared me well for tackling any challenges arise and for continuing to drive warehouse operations forward in an efficient and effective manner.
Skills and Interests

F97b0c9c98d80ff20172642fdd75902e jojofrancia @jojofranciashop - over 1 year ago
Best Broker to Buy Stocks: Tips for Selecting the Right Online Brokerage Firm for Traders
Many casual investors don't want to spend a lot of money on a full-service broker solution, but don't want to buy stocks on their own, either. The best option for these types of investors is to go for a discount brokerage service. The best broker to buy stocks is one that...continued
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3 minutes read
F97b0c9c98d80ff20172642fdd75902e jojofrancia @jojofranciashop - over 1 year ago
The Basics of Stock Options
When people have extra money they wish to invest, they can do this by purchasing stock options. Hopefully, this article can give you the basics of how stock options work.First, what are stock options?It is an agreement between two parties. This contract gives the buyer th...continued
Stock 1863880  480
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F97b0c9c98d80ff20172642fdd75902e jojofrancia @jojofranciashop - over 1 year ago
How To Learn Stock Investing - It's Easier Than You Think
Stock market prediction software, also referred to as stock trading robots or stock trading systems, are software programs which attempt to estimate the market's future behavior and trade accordingly. They work by gathering data about the stock market, the economy, and pa...continued
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jojofrancia upvoted the following post over 1 year ago:
F97b0c9c98d80ff20172642fdd75902e jojofrancia @jojofranciashop - over 1 year ago
Affiliate Marketing for Online Businesses
I've researched a lot of online business programs within the last couple of years forever searching for that one business that will aid in creating that needed income. The same is said of most individuals out there that perform the same research. There are programs out th...continued
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F97b0c9c98d80ff20172642fdd75902e jojofrancia @jojofranciashop - over 1 year ago
How Affiliate Programs Can Help Network Marketers Make More Money and Recruit More Distributors
An MLM home business affiliate program is a way for you to earn commissions by referring people to a product. The product can be either a physical product or an informational product like an eBook.The product you are promoting is not your own which means you won't have to...continued
For digistore
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F97b0c9c98d80ff20172642fdd75902e jojofrancia @jojofranciashop - over 1 year ago
Affiliate Marketing for Online Businesses
I've researched a lot of online business programs within the last couple of years forever searching for that one business that will aid in creating that needed income. The same is said of most individuals out there that perform the same research. There are programs out th...continued
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F97b0c9c98d80ff20172642fdd75902e jojofrancia @jojofranciashop - over 1 year ago
Affiliate Marketing Earning Methods
Affiliate marketing is an online business that pays and is increasing in popularity each day. Most anyone with a little computer experience and the willingness to learn can become successful in the world of affiliate marketing. There are online learning resources that wil...continued
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